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I need to get back into my customizing but I'm just not feeling it anymore. I started a Youtube channel all about customizing but then lost interest. ...
My only problem with the Masterverse females is that ugly hip swivel cut. Classics did the female legs so much better, the ones that have the hidden s...
Ah! There they are! I never actually come into this thread. I started ignoring Turtles Of Grayskull after what they did with Mer-Man. Very NOT COOL W...
Even more annoying than She-Ra's face, this is the 2nd time they've teased Swift Wind & I'm willing to bet we never get him. Maybe as a Mattel Cre...
Do any of you guys know where I can get a cowboy hat that fits Rio Blast? I checked eBay & I can't tell if they'll fit. They all look too big or ...
Look at it this way, it's the 80s, you're a kid again, and these are the latest figures to hit the pegs. Go nuts over them like we used to. Or try t...
This is too easy. PARAGON CHAMPION! I LOVE the Paragon Champion.The Horde Revenant is awesome!IMO Skel-Knight looks like a single character not an ...
The sculpt should definitely be the same as the art. The eyebrows, eyes & mouth shapes are different. The art does look better. But I think the to...
My thoughts on the new She-Ra: 1. I don't understand why everybody is bitching about the new She-Ra face. I think the thing that's throwing everybod...
Mantenna is one of my most wanted Masterverse figures. But I totally ignore the box art. They put the Fright Fighter on one of the boxes. The Fright ...
They designed the Origins line so every single Origins collector can do this and create their own original characters. You guys just ain't doin it rig...
I don't really know. I rarely ever shop on EE. I just happened to see BA Skeletor & Snake Sorceress Teela (Sold Out everywhere else) up for pre-or...
(WARNING INCOMING RANT! I need to vent somewhere. lol) I don't understand this at all. Just got this email from EE:Unfortunately, we're sorry to r...
Mattel Origins Collector on Youtube put up a review of Vintage Collection Zodac. Vintage Collection Zodac "Zodac attacks the heroic warriors using a...
That's just depressing. Origins has the nostalgia but Masterverse figures are a million times better. I love the character variety from Origins but I ...
Question for anybody who ordered from Walmart Collector Con in the past. If I try to order Faker & She-Ra, they'll be pre-orders right? Says they ...
What if She-Ra's head dress thingy was painted in Zoar's colors? Use that head on a new Sorceress? I think they were talking about figure...
Here's my deal. I'm the type of collector that doesn't want to collect a line unless I know they will make every single character. You can't "COLLECT ...
Besides the obvious He-Man, Skeletor & Hordak, what caused Mattel to start remaking the same characters over & over & over again? They di...
I got my order from Mattel Creations today. A day early which is a first for stupid-ass Fed Ex. And as usual, they dropped it off on my next door neig...
So according to Toy Habits, these are some of the new Masterverse figures coming up: TeelaShe-RaHordakMoss-ManFakerTerror Claws SkeletorStratos Th...
I was talking about He-Ro! He-Ro got leaked right before the event. So the big "reveal" wasn't such a big reveal. And since I don't give a rat's ass ...
Yeah, well, my point is, they didn't really "reveal" anything except Blade in package. That reveal event was totally pathetic. I hate how Mattel puts...
This one. He talks about Masterverse at 5:27 Masterverse aftermarket is nutso I had a feeling New Eternia Mer-Man was the next one to sell out &am...
I'm surprised nobody is talking about Mattel's big reveal day. What a crock of s***! The big "reveal" was an Origins figure we already saw. lol And ...