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@brasco I understand that TWS has inflated prices.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@Brasco @Smitty.81 My guess is TWS are importing because they do that with a lot of stuff. If that's correct I'm wondering why they'd bother with a supposed retail item unless it's a f'ing Amazon shitshow or something. Or even worse, Walmart.
A look at the packaging and artwork for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Battle for Eternia” Action Figure 4-Pack by artist Gabriel Luque and courtesy of Mattel packaging designer Roy Juarez, now available for pre-order at fan channel retailers.
We have the Power!
Again, the artwork for this brand never fails to impress!
This would have been a centerfold poster in the old MOTU magazine...
These characters make good, if not altogether unnecessary, additions to the MOTU mythos... however, I think it would have been wise to include a bunch of extra arms, fists, heads, armor, weapons, boots, etc. to really promote the most under-recognized aspect of Origins - the swapability!
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
@admin Can we talk about the hooded Skeleton?
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@admin Can we talk about the hooded Skeleton?
Hang on, is that Slime Pit He-Man amongst the Troopers?
Yes, also on the "grim reaper" I see the Skelton body with Vypor's loincloth, Snake Armor Skeletor boots, CC monster feet and ToG:RW Donnie's staff.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Yeah that's it, maybe a new head, but yeah...
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
I would like everyone to go vote, please.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Obviously just one nerds opinion, but what Mattel should have done instead of this 4-pack of kit bashed random dudes is to make polls and ask people which figures they would like to see re-issued. I think we all have lists of varying length of stuff we simply weren't able to get (in both Origins and Masterverse).
If I wanted to build random characters, Origins already lets me do that^^
A look at the packaging Character Bios for the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Battle for Eternia” Action Figure 4-Pack, courtesy of Mattel packaging designer Roy Juarez (now available for pre-order at fan channel retailers.)
We have the Power!
@admin hopefully we'll get cards with the set.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
They used my Slime Pit He-Man in their article. 0'
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Obviously just one nerds opinion, but what Mattel should have done instead of this 4-pack of kit bashed random dudes is to make polls and ask people which figures they would like to see re-issued. I think we all have lists of varying length of stuff we simply weren't able to get (in both Origins and Masterverse).
If I wanted to build random characters, Origins already lets me do that^^
This is why I used the term 'uninspired...'
I have seen some amazing kit-bashed figures in the MOTU communities. These "official" Mattel kit-bashed characters aren't terrible, but they are wholly unnecessary.
I mean, the whole point of Origins "secret feature" is to swap all kinds of parts to combine and create anything you can come up with. Mattel would better serve the community by releasing figures that people are hungry for... or the ones that they missed on the first pass. Mattel still has a deep well of characters that deserve the action figure treatment, PoP being a front runner.
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
@ornclown yeah but PoP requires new tooling, this does not. They played this same have with the retail VC figures before they did the Snakemen. I have a good feeling that 2026 is going to have a lot of figures with a lot of new tooling.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Considering Mattel is raking people over the coals with a "membership" fee... there had better be a lot of new tooling and not just a bunch of recolored, kitbashed, one-off characters using pre-existing parts.
Leave the parts-swapping to the customers and make more legitimate figures, Mattel.
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
@ornclown Plasmar and Strobo are as legitimate as Dragstor and Eldor.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@ornclown Plasmar and Strobo are as legitimate as Dragstor and Eldor.
Agreed. So are Faker, i.e. blue He-Man and Stinkor, i.e. black & white Mer-Man... etc.
My point is, Pit Warden, Horde Revenant, et. al are characters that we - the fans - could kitbash on our own because Mattel gave us the tools to do so. I would prefer if they concentrated on getting more vintage characters on shelves (that might require new tooling) and maybe just post recipes for these other one-off figures on their website... maybe along with some cool artwork and backstory..?
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
@ornclown yeah but they'd be all kinds of miss-matched colors. And not everyone has the talent to paint their figures.
As for vintage toy characters we'll get the Mattel just need to take a "repaint break" like they did in 2022 when there were a lot of figures with no new tooling.
After that we got the Snakemen and most of the figures had all new tooling.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Do any of you guys know where I can get a cowboy hat that fits Rio Blast? I checked eBay & I can't tell if they'll fit. They all look too big or too small. And I've seen a couple 3D printed hats but they look terrible. I saw a hat that comes with a wrestling figure but it comes in a damn exclusive 2-pack so it's more money than I care to spend.
@sci-fitsunami Have you seen my Ninja Turtles?
Nope! Where are they? Every time I stop by I forget to look at the customs section.
Nope! Where are they? Every time I stop by I forget to look at the customs section.
In the MOTUTMNT thread. I have more i need to post.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
And not everyone opens their figures in the first place to do all that.@ornclown yeah but they'd be all kinds of miss-matched colors. And not everyone has the talent to paint their figures.
As for vintage toy characters we'll get the Mattel just need to take a "repaint break" like they did in 2022 when there were a lot of figures with no new tooling.
After that we got the Snakemen and most of the figures had all new tooling.
JFC, Cretins sent me a Club Grayskull early access email that didn't work, then it did, then it tells me it won't ship to Northern Ireland again, and I eventually notice it'll only let me order one Vultak. Considering 3x He-Ro arrived with more defects than a political convention, that's all a bit special.
That's how incompetent Mattel are, even their bloody scams fall apart.
@sketchyskeletor More defects than a political convention. I have to remember that line dude. 🤣