We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the “New Eternia” Battle Armor Skeletor & Mer-Man figures, as well as the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Snake Sorceress Teela & Man-Of-War action figures… all from Masterverse Wave 14! You can go directly to the video […]

New Promotional Pics revealed for the Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution ” (SNAKE) SORCERESS TEELA figure

The time is almost here when the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution ” (Snake) SORCERESS TEELA Wave 14 action figure is finally available for preorder. And now we have some additional promotional pictures share! Check these out: The Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Sorceress Teela Wave 14 action figure is expected to open for preorders […]

New Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MAN-OF-WAR promotional pics reveal a transparent Visor

It won’t be long now until the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Man-Of-War Wave 14 action figure is available for preorder, and now we have additional promotional pictures to look at. Check them out: Also with this better look, it appears that Man-Of-War’s red visor is made of transparent plastic, allowing collectors a see-through […]

Full Packaging revealed for the upcoming Wave 14 Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” (SNAKE) SORCERESS TEELA Figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the magnificent packaging for the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” (SNAKE) SORCERESS TEELA action figure today! With artwork by the extremely talented Simon Eckert, this packaging looks absolutely stunning. Check it out: Why Mattel dropped the “Snake” from this figure’s original announced name is anyone’s guess but the Masterverse “Masters of […]

Full Packaging revealed for the upcoming Wave 14 Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MAN-OF-WAR Figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the magnificent packaging for the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MAN-OF-WAR action figure today! With artwork by the extremely talented Simon Eckert, this packaging (as usual) looks absolutely fantastic. Check it out: The Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Man-Of-War Wave 14 action figure is expected to open for preorders at fan […]

Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MOTHERBOARD figure wins GDUSA American Package Design Award

The design team behind the packaging for 2023’s gorgeous Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Motherboard San Diego Comic-Con figure has won an award! That’s right. Mattel’s Packaging Designer & Art Director Roy Juarez has just announced that their packaging team over at Mattel, responsible for creating the glorious housing that contained “the holy sprocket“, […]

FOR ETERNIA shows William Shatner the Masterverse Keldor figure and asks will he RETURN as Keldor

William Shatner is a living legend. At 93 years young, the actor, writer, director, traveler, entrepreneur, singer, songwriter and publisher has touched millions of people spanning multiple generations all across the world… one of the latest being his performance as Keldor in the Netflix animated series “Masters of the Universe: Revolution“. So when an opportunity […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW: Masterverse EMPEROR HORDAK Wave 13 ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Action Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new Emperor Hordak action figure from the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” action figure subline! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! We’ll see you next […]

New Masters of the Universe: Revolution HORDAK and KA SORCERESS TEELA Masterverse figures teased

Well this is exciting! Mattel just teased on their official Masters of the Universe Instagram account story two new Masterverse figures headed our way! The first Masterverse figure teased was the evil Hordak from what appears to be from the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” subline. Check it out: And the second Masterverse figure also […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW: Masterverse KING KELDOR Wave 12 ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Action Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new King Keldor action figure from the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” action figure subline! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! We’ll see […]

FINALLY! Taking a look at the packaging and details for the Masterverse King Keldor figure

Now that our embargo on revealing casting, story beats and merchandise that can be considered spoilers to “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” is over, we are excited to finally report on the upcoming Masterverse Revolution King Keldor figure! Part of the twelfth wave of the very successful Masterverse action figure line, King Keldor appears to […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW Masterverse BATTLE ARMOR HE-MAN Masters of the Universe Revolution Action Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 12 Battle Armor He-Man action figure from the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded […]

About that HUGE ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Spoiler (this article contains no spoilers)

A few months ago we reported on a huge reveal that… according to a retail listing of an upcoming Masterverse action figure… an important character was going to be introduced in the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” series (and potentially impact our perspectives on how the MOTU universe is currently set.) If you don’t recall […]

Who built He-Man’s Battle Armor in ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution”?

In the teaser trailer for “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”, fans were elated to see the most powerful man in the universe donning his most iconic armor set… rivaled only by He-Man’s Power Harness itself: The Battle Armor. Debuting originally in 1984, the variant Battle Armor He-man vintage figure showcased a new armor set and […]

UNBOXING & REVIEWING the Masterverse GWILDOR & ORKO ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Action Figure 2-Pack

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 11 Gwildor & Orko “Reborn” action figure two pack from the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can […]

”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” SPOILER revealed on Masterverse Gwildor & Orko Packaging

Today, Mattel’s packaging and graphic designer Roy Juarez revealed the package and artwork for the upcoming Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Gwildor & Orko 2-Pack. Check it out: Now back when this 2-Pack was first revealed during this year’s San Diego International Comic-Con 2023, we noticed that Gwildor came with an interesting accessory… nothing […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW Masterverse SKELETOR ”SKELETEK” Masters of the Universe Revolution Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 11 Skeletor “Skeletek” figure from the Masterverse Masters of the Universe: Revolution action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below! We’ll […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW Masterverse SORCERESS TEELA Wave 11 Masters of the Universe Revolution Action Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 11 Sorceress Teela figure from the Masterverse Masters of the Universe: Revolution action figure line! He also gives his thoughts on the brand new Masterverse 2.0 packaging! You can go directly to the […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW Masterverse MOTHERBOARD Masters of the Universe: Revolution SDCC2023 Action Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new San Diego Comic-Con 2023 / Mattel Creations Exclusive Motherboard figure from the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can […]

New Report
