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Posted by: @lurker-man

Posted by: @ornclown

She-Ra's package art is beautiful!

It makes the figure inside look just that much worse... 🙁


I can't unsee it!!

Reminds me of the movie Evil-Lyn figure. The box art perfectly captured her cold hearted pretty diva expression from the movie while the figure give total kind old lady vibes.


She looks like the Sorceress from the old He-Man movie.


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For those who don't know, the Masterverse NE Randor, Beast Man & Roboto have been available from Mattel Creation for a few days now, while the Eternian dust continues to pile up on Amazon and BBTS catalogs (lol). Somehow I get confused about how uneven the distribution of these figures can be.

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Posted by: @durendal

Why is it so hard for Mattel to make the face look as beautiful as the box art?? I'm tired of these failures.

Yeah, it's pretty upsetting because that box art is gorgeous... and She-Ra deserves better.


Posted by: @therealbatman

Posted by: @lurker-man

Posted by: @ornclown

She-Ra's package art is beautiful!

It makes the figure inside look just that much worse... 🙁


I can't unsee it!!

Reminds me of the movie Evil-Lyn figure. The box art perfectly captured her cold hearted pretty diva expression from the movie while the figure give total kind old lady vibes.


She looks like the Sorceress from the old He-Man movie.




>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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Posted by: @onlyoneskeletor

For those who don't know, the Masterverse NE Randor, Beast Man & Roboto have been available from Mattel Creation for a few days now, while the Eternian dust continues to pile up on Amazon and BBTS catalogs (lol). Somehow I get confused about how uneven the distribution of these figures can be.

Speaking of BBTS, I was on their site early this morning - then it went down for "maintenance" for a while...

When it came back online, all the prices had a significant increase.

$19.99 figures are now $24.99, $39.99 figures are now $44.99, $64.00 figures are now $69.99, etc.

It seems a majority of their products have had price adjustments...?

What is going on??


>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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You can see New Eternia Ninjor on the back of the new Etheria She-Ra packaging.

Yen reacted
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@ornclown Really? From what I can observe, this phenomenon seems to be very randomly applied lately: TC Amok and Luna jumping from 89.99$ to 92.99$ - Both SLVH toy versions of Blugrass and Steel Will going from 64.99$ to 72.99$ (scary!!). However, what are considered less desirable products don't seem to be moving as much, except maybe the now sold out Invisible Tygra, which has been revised in its own discount from 20% to just 10%.

@Depp76 Am I the only one noticing a subtle Gi.Joe vibe here with TC Skeletor on one side and Ninjor on the other?

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@onlyoneskeletor Yep, I totally see it lol.

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@depp76 niiiice !!! let's go !!!

Depp76 reacted
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Will EE or BBTS ever get the vintage collection? 

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Posted by: @onlyoneskeletor

For those who don't know, the Masterverse NE Randor, Beast Man & Roboto have been available from Mattel Creation for a few days now, while the Eternian dust continues to pile up on Amazon and BBTS catalogs (lol). Somehow I get confused about how uneven the distribution of these figures can be.

Every figure announced should end with Mattel saying Good Luck.


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Posted by: @brasco

Will EE or BBTS ever get the vintage collection? 

It would be nice. I hate Walmart. The store. The online shop. All of it.


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My thoughts on the new She-Ra:

1. I don't understand why everybody is bitching about the new She-Ra face. I think the thing that's throwing everybody off isn't the face but the new head dress or whatever you call it. I think her face is beautiful but the new head dress is totally different than the actual She-Ra character. You're all used to the usual solid gold feathers but now they're white & it looks weird/off. That's what messed me up at first. Everything looks like She-Ra except for the new head thingy. 

2. I also thing that if you want her to look closer to the artwork she needs darker eyebrows and a smaller, not so wide mouth. I bet if you could paint her eyebows darker & her lips bright red the face would look totally different. When it comes to art, sometimes all it takes are subtle tweaks. You could easily paint over her eyebrows & lips with a fine paint brush. Even if you don't have any artistic or customizing skill, it's so tiny, all you need to do is practice on a piece of paper until you feel confident enough. Watch some Youtube tutorials. And if you don't think you can do it, buy 2 figures and if you mess it up, just stick the extra head on it that you got from the first She-Ra release. But if you use acrylic paint, you can simply wash it off with alcohol & try over & over again until you get it just right.  

3. These figures usually look a lot worse in pictures than they do in hand. I bet when the Youtube reviewers actually get this figure in hand they'll be raving about it.  For me, 9 times out of 10, these figures are "MEH!" online but "HOLY S**T!!!" in person.


Posted by: @depp76

You can see New Eternia Ninjor on the back of the new Etheria She-Ra packaging.


Cobraaaaaaa!!!!  Oh he'll fight for trouble wherever there's freedom, Cobra Ninjor is there!  lol

This new Ninjor looks like a Cobra Trooper and the new Terror Claws Skeletor looks like some kind of Cobra Pilot. If you ever wanted a MOTU/GI Joe crossover, here ya go! lol

I ordered 2 GI Joe Classified S.N.A.K.E. armor mechs that can also be used as Horde Troopers.  Also picked up a few Lightyear Zurg robots on clearance that I'm customizing into Horde Troopers.  

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The Complete Set of Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Etheria" She-Ra illustrations by artist Simon Eckert 🎨 (and courtesy of Packaging Designer Roy Juarez.)

We have the Power!

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Posted by: @admin

The Complete Set of Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Etheria" She-Ra illustrations by artist Simon Eckert 🎨 (and courtesy of Packaging Designer Roy Juarez.)

A real shame the actual figure doesn’t look like this artwork. The MOTU team should have asked for some assistance from the Barbie team on this one. Better face/head and a soft goods skirt to lose those ugly cuts. The color palette of the figure seems too pale, too. 


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@sci-fitsunami Speaking for myself only, my biggest gripe with this new She-Ra mostly boils down to this:

After the beautiful Evil-Lyn, I had hopes that Mattel could do these ladies proud. Unfortunately, this looks to be another dud.
However, I completely agree that these figures - more often than not - look MUCH better in-hand than on the internet.
My fingers are crossed!

>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

He-Dad and djfor reacted
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I don't think She-Ra's head is itself too bad.  But it is not She-Ra.  This head sculpt gives her a quite doughy expression.  Still, as mentioned in other comments, it seems that figures do look better in hand.

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Posted by: @ornclown

@sci-fitsunami Speaking for myself only, my biggest gripe with this new She-Ra mostly boils down to this:

After the beautiful Evil-Lyn, I had hopes that Mattel could do these ladies proud. Unfortunately, this looks to be another dud.
However, I completely agree that these figures - more often than not - look MUCH better in-hand than on the internet.
My fingers are crossed!

That Meme! 😂

Celebrate In Love GIF by Max



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Posted by: @ornclown

@sci-fitsunami Speaking for myself only, my biggest gripe with this new She-Ra mostly boils down to this:

After the beautiful Evil-Lyn, I had hopes that Mattel could do these ladies proud. Unfortunately, this looks to be another dud.
However, I completely agree that these figures - more often than not - look MUCH better in-hand than on the internet.
My fingers are crossed!


The sculpt should definitely be the same as the art. The eyebrows, eyes & mouth shapes are different. The art does look better. But I think the toy could look closer to the art with a better paint job. Right now everything is too dull/light/faded.

The toy needs:
1. Darker eyebrows.  Might also be able to remove the paint & repaint her eyebrows with more of an arch like in the artwork.
2. Darker mascara.
3. Bigger brighter blue irises.
4. Brighter red lipstick.
5. Her top lip needs to be a little thicker.  (I hate women with no top lip like the toy picture above)
6. Need to get rid of the top eyelids that are half closed. That's one of the biggest problems. She looks like she's on drugs or just really sleepy.

The bridge of her nose is sculpted a little too wide but I don't think it's too much of a problem.

Her face can definitely be saved IF you feel like putting new makeup on her. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a way to directly communicate with Mattel so they could make corrections before it goes into production?  I don't understand this "take it or leave it" approach all the toy companies have. Getting feedback from the people buying your product shouldn't be taboo.


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Posted by: @grayskullguardsman

Posted by: @admin

The Complete Set of Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Etheria" She-Ra illustrations by artist Simon Eckert 🎨 (and courtesy of Packaging Designer Roy Juarez.)

A real shame the actual figure doesn’t look like this artwork. The MOTU team should have asked for some assistance from the Barbie team on this one. Better face/head and a soft goods skirt to lose those ugly cuts. The color palette of the figure seems too pale, too. 


Asking the Barbie team would have been a smart movie. Too bad you don't work for Mattel.


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Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

Posted by: @ornclown

@sci-fitsunami Speaking for myself only, my biggest gripe with this new She-Ra mostly boils down to this:

After the beautiful Evil-Lyn, I had hopes that Mattel could do these ladies proud. Unfortunately, this looks to be another dud.
However, I completely agree that these figures - more often than not - look MUCH better in-hand than on the internet.
My fingers are crossed!


The sculpt should definitely be the same as the art. The eyebrows, eyes & mouth shapes are different. The art does look better. But I think the toy could look closer to the art with a better paint job. Right now everything is too dull/light/faded.

The toy needs:
1. Darker eyebrows.  Might also be able to remove the paint & repaint her eyebrows with more of an arch like in the artwork.
2. Darker mascara.
3. Bigger brighter blue irises.
4. Brighter red lipstick.
5. Her top lip needs to be a little thicker.  (I hate women with no top lip like the toy picture above)
6. Need to get rid of the top eyelids that are half closed. That's one of the biggest problems. She looks like she's on drugs or just really sleepy.

The bridge of her nose is sculpted a little too wide but I don't think it's too much of a problem.

Her face can definitely be saved IF you feel like putting new makeup on her. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a way to directly communicate with Mattel so they could make corrections before it goes into production?  I don't understand this "take it or leave it" approach all the toy companies have. Getting feedback from the people buying your product shouldn't be taboo.



all good points… I imagine she has already gone into production and it’s too late to pretty her up. The sculpt doesn’t seem bad, but the paint decisions are not very She-ra…


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