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@Durendal When I started my own Masterverse collection back in the spring of 2024, Stratos was litterally absent from the majority of online stores, except for a few that were charging obscene prices to get him, along with the Websor, Na Adventure He-Man or even the Deluxe Revelation Man At Arms, all of which were litterally unobtainable at the time. To cut a long story short, I managed to get the winged warrior for a good price in Europe.
NE Stratos was the first Masterverse figure to give Classics a run for its money.
what do you guys think, which figures will be included in wave 17 ? in 2023 and 2024, we got around 20 figures each far in 2025 we definitely know for Roboto, Randor and that stupid Beast Man, so that means 15 + figures more, if Mattel keep doing their thing like in the last few years...
Masterverse Panthor is up on the new Mattel Creations release schedule. Tuesday, Feb. 11th. I CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT! Â
That covers all of last year's reveals right?Â
I hope for2025 Masterverse gets some Snakemen. They've been teasing them all over the box art.Â
@durendal he is an Origins figure and will probably be put up for sale or pre-order in March.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
@sci-fitsunami Yeah, I would love to see Snake Men in 2025...the rest of the Horde as well...I cant wait to see Modulok, Multi Bot and Dragstor in Masterverse series...btw, I saw that Panthor will be oversized...not sure if I like that...cant we get like a regular size Panthor, just like Battle Cat was...
@yen1893 MV Battle Cat was also listed as "over sized" it's just what they call the bigger figures.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
I gather I'm in the real minority here, but I think the upcoming Beastman looks great. Love that face sculpt! That said, I do understand the frustration of multiple iterations when so many characters haven't seen light of day yet.
@he-fellow the new Beast Man actually looks good, nothing wrong with the figure, but like you said, why make like 3 versions of Beast Man when you have so many other figures waiting in line...
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Vultak. Why are they putting Cartoon Collection on Mattel Creations? I thought only Vintage Collection & oversized Masterverse were gonna be on there.
@sci-fitsunami I think his wings and his robot buddy pushed him out of the retail budget. Well find out next month I suppose.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
Question: How would people feel if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and ThunderCats invaded the Masterverse line?
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
@ornclown I think that would be a terrible idea. From where I am standing as a collector, Origins really fell apart for me due to all the various side projects that Mattel tried to stuff into the line. It's been taking wayyyyy to long to get through the "main" roster of characters (not to mention the vehicles, most of which we will probably never see re-issued in Origins). The fact that they had to move it to MC is still getting me a little mad (even slower turn-around, and more costly).
I suppose I like to see a light at the end of the tunnel when I start a collection. And the more branches a line opens up, the slower the overall progression feels (and effectively is, I would argue).Â
And with all that said, I could not care less for Grayskull'ified Turtles and Tcats. I don't even have a collection of the actual figures from their original "incarnations" and unsurprisingly no interest in a spoof version ^^
The story is slightly different for Tcats specifically. If they decided to release a standalone Tcats line, using the Masterverse tooling - that's something I might be interested in.Â
@ornclown i think if they just did the "main character" it would be fine.
I would think if they make MV ToG it cold be the four Turtles, Shredder, both versions of He-Man and Skeletor.Â
For Thundercats Lion-O and Skell-Ra would be fine.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
Mattel have nothing resembling a plan as is and it's killing me. I just want to be done with at least one of the sublines in a line. They couldn't even sort out 200X within Origins and you just know they'll attempt it in Masterverse.Â
I would welcome ToG MV figures, though the Turtles would probably look odd in those proportions. I agree with the four Turtles, Shredder, He-Man, and Skeletor. I'd throw in another MOTU character, maybe Man-at-Arms or Mekaneck (solely because he's my favorite), and Krang and one of the mutated MOTU characters as deluxe figures.
@sketchyskeletor Haha, yeah, whatever happened to 200X in Origins?? We got He-Man, Skeletor, King Randor, and Evil-Lyn (though a half-assed repaint, repeating the mistake Classics made with her). Nothing since. Why can't Mattel even finish a godamn subline within Origins???