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I got my order from Mattel Creations today. A day early which is a first for stupid-ass Fed Ex. And as usual, they dropped it off on my next door neig...
So according to Toy Habits, these are some of the new Masterverse figures coming up: TeelaShe-RaHordakMoss-ManFakerTerror Claws SkeletorStratos Th...
I was talking about He-Ro! He-Ro got leaked right before the event. So the big "reveal" wasn't such a big reveal. And since I don't give a rat's ass ...
Yeah, well, my point is, they didn't really "reveal" anything except Blade in package. That reveal event was totally pathetic. I hate how Mattel puts...
This one. He talks about Masterverse at 5:27 Masterverse aftermarket is nutso I had a feeling New Eternia Mer-Man was the next one to sell out &am...
I'm surprised nobody is talking about Mattel's big reveal day. What a crock of s***! The big "reveal" was an Origins figure we already saw. lol And ...
One thing I already do know is that I prefer the Classics helmet with the big horns on top. Not a fan of the new one. How is Panthor supposed to bite ...
That happens to me a lot. Meh! online but HOLY S**T! in person. Happened recently with Origins Modulok.
I have 2 Horde Troopers, Panthor & wave 11 Trap-Jaw coming from Mattel Creations. Due Saturday but with Fedex who the hell knows? lol From the pic...
And now the waves have been cut down to 3 figures. Not counting the Vintage Collection. Wouldn't it be nice if we had some way to let Mattel know th...
Hordak is awesome. I love the original gray Hordak. She-Ra should've been one of the other POP girls. I want Mermista, Castaspella, Netossa, Sweet B...
That's why everybody callls them "Pre-Cancels" instead of "Pre-Orders". The only way I will order from Walmart is if it's in stock & ready to ship...
I finally got my Origins Rio Blast today and boy do I want him in Masterverse. I'm not really into Origins, I'm just finishing up the Vintage Collecti...
Toy Habits is reporting that Blade is coming to Masterverse. Dammit! Saurod is way coooler than Blade.
With Mattel's reveal event coming in 13 days, what are you hoping for? I really hope they reveal: 1. More POP girls in Masterverse. 2. SNAKEMAN!...
I absolutely HATE how Mattel adds just a couple figures to a line, usually the 2 leaders, and then drops it. Masterverse got Sun-Man & Pig-Head....
Has it been discussed why Mattel bumped all the waves down to 3 figures instead of 4? Does removing 1 figure make some kind of difference? Fros...
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Vultak. Why are they putting Cartoon Collection on Mattel Creations? I thought only Vintage Collection & oversiz...
Masterverse Panthor is up on the new Mattel Creations release schedule. Tuesday, Feb. 11th. I CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT! That covers all of last...
Frosta has always been my favorite. The females in the Cartoon Collection look awesome (except for Evil-Lyn).
Looking back at my posts I can see how you guys got the opposite message than what I was going for. I guess I seemed really upset/emotionally distraug...
They were all easy as hell to get when they were first released. There is no rhyme or reason as to why certain ones shoot up to over $100. Webstor was...
Awesome! Thanks! I'm saving this info for next time.
HOLE S**T! I didn't even know about Stratos. I just searched eBay & found 2. WTF is going on? lol Canada's is more expensive than a Titan class...
Do any of you have experience with Books A Million pre-orders? Do they actually get the items in? I want to pre-order a couple items but they've been...