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The MotU Classics bios continued….

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I was a huge fan of the expansion of the MotU through the Classics bios and of the follow up bios on Masters Mondays. So much so I wanted to continue those and expand the lore of MotU, just to fill in some blanks, answer some questions and follow up on clues and little tidbits of information. 
so I thought I might continue them on here. Now they are completely just for fun and unofficial, so if moderators feel the need to move it to fan fiction please do so.

I will post the previous bios of which there are few and then every Masters Monday from then on. 

One of the most mysterious characters of the MotUC universe was the Great Black Wizard. So I wrote a multipart bio story that explored his origins and the impact he had on Eternia thousands of years later. So without further ado, here is that story. 









So that was my version of the Great Black Wizard. If you liked it let me know and if you have any questions, ask away

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The first MASTERS MONDAYS on For Eternia. Remember these bios are a just for fun unofficial continuation of the Classics Bios released with the Toys and the follow-up Masters Mondays the were posted on AdultCollector and Those of you who followed the continuing adventures on the Org will have read some before but each week there will be a brand new one for you to read. If you haven't read any of them before then they'll all be new.

Today we start the STORY OF VYKRON, told in 9 new Classics bios



​And secondly we have the bio for Kartan. Whose only appearance was in the UK Newspaper comic strips. These are all collected in the MotU Newspaper Comic Strips collection from Darkhorse.


After the Fall of the Ancients, the people abandoned the ruined cities and began to build new tribes and civilisations across Eternia, worshipping the old gods and leaving technology behind. Kartan was a young scholar of the High Priestess of Zoar and was given the Staff of Power and Sunstone during the fall. Heading to Sands of Time to seek refuge from the collapse of Eternia with a small contingent of Zoar’s followers, Kartan found pages of an ancient book once gifted to a wizard by the gods. The pages spoke of raising the dead, creating armies that could not die and even conquering death itself. Using the pages and the Staff of Power he became ruler of the Sylcon people and conquered the western deserts of the Sands of Time, building huge pyramids including the Temple of the Sun to worship the god Zoar. Although a wise and kind ruler, counselled by the Living Sphinx, he spared no quarter for his enemies, crushing them under the boots of his Deathless Soldiers. When the Snake Men invaded Eternia, Kartan, planned to enter the ‘ceaseless sleep’ to avoid the coming wars. Giving the high priests immortality to protect the sacred sun temple they sealed the sleeping king in his sarcophagus. Over the millennia Kartan’s pyramids disappeared into the sands until they were discovered by Prince Adam during a royal inspection of the area. The awakened Kartan helped He-man defeat his deathless warrior before continuing his enchanted sleep, only to rise once more in nearly ten thousand years.


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I'm here to follow the saga. Vykron's history has been one of those gaps I always wanted to know more about.

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Posted by: @man-at-work

I'm here to follow the saga. Vykron's history has been one of those gaps I always wanted to know more about.


glad to have you join us on the continuing adventures on Eternia


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I am looking forward to part 2. I heard about Vykron's fabulous fate but I don't know the full story.

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron

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Dan, I just asked Smitty the same thing. If you plan on continuing these in this thread, would you mind if I added a featured spotlight to this in the menu with a couple others (only if it is okay with you)

It would go approximately here (mobile view):

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@admin that’s fine by me ☺️

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@dan1980 Done! Thanks so much!!

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Happy MASTERS MONDAY, I hope everyone has had a great week!
Without further ado, here are this week's Unofficial Just For Fun Classics Bio.



WHAT?! I know right.
Up next is a character who has been posted on the Org but will be new to anyone who hasn't read it.


The ruler of the Beast Men of the Vine Jungle, King Choloh, was extremely superstitious and feared the old gods so much so he adorned his banners with an ancient symbol honouring the old gods and their wrathful beasts. The twelve pointed star represented the eight gods and the four God-Beasts, such as Serpos and Bash-Or, in its o centre the universe they created. Choloh carved his own amulet from the sacred gemstone that enhanced his species innate ability to control the creatures of Eternia. After Gygor claimed Choloh’s arena and throne, he also seized the king’s amulet and his adopted banner. Even though the amulet was useless to Gygor, Choloh feared he would not have the power to overthrow the great ape and conceded. When Gygor was defeated by Oo-Larr and the Goddess, Raqquill Rqazz stole the magical amulet and attempted to assert his claim for the throne. However a returning Choloh was more than a match for Rqazz, who had not yet unlocked the amulet’s full potential. Banished from the Vine Jungle, Rqazz escaped with the amulet, eventually saving the life of the alchemist Keldor. Keldor’s interest, at first, was not in Rqazz but his amulet, but soon realised that it could only be used by the Vine Jungle Beast Men. With Keldor’s help, Rqazz mastered his newly enhanced powers becoming Beast Man. Over the years the gold-plating that protected the amulet chipped away and faded, revealed the striking blue gem underneath. The symbol was also prominent on Moss Man’s rarely used Battle Armour.

So I'm sure you're full of questions from the first bio still. Questions like...
Who is Paladin?
Easy, Paladin was a concept character created by Mark Taylor, possibly for the MotU brand. Obviously he bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain Man-at-Arms.
Is you're story for him based on anything official?
Nope, I know as much about Paladin as the next guy. So this is the story I've come up with.
Who are King Aslamuth and Trogar the Terrible?
They we never seen in any media but they were mentioned in the German Ehapa comic issue 10 1988. In the story Gwildor's Gamble, Gwildor is seen telling Adam and Teela a story about the aforementioned characters.

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If anyone wanted a visual. This was Paladin

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I enjoyed both today because I knew of Paladin, and pairing him with Vykron was nice. About the 2nd bio, I loved how you linked that Weapons Pak armor for Moss Man with the classical Beast Man's armor.

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Nice job with Paladin! (I also enjoy the notes underneath. 🙂)

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A bit late posting today but i hadn't forgotten. Hope you're all having a good Masters Monday. This week we have the next chapter in the Story of Vykron, featuring another concept character, more info on him to come. 


And for our second just for fun unofficial bio we have a member of King Grayskull's Masters, Gladiator.


During the oppressive rule of King Hsss, the young Gladiator grew up in the village of Hy-doe living under the constant threat of incursion by the ruthless Snake Men. When village fell to the Cult of the Serpent he and his brothers were spared from the massacre by Hsss’ high priest Pythonus, who intended to sacrifice them to Sarcedon, the progeny of Serpos. As Pythonus chanted the profane rites, Gladiator could only watch in terror as the great serpent rose from the lava surround the altar on which they were chained and consumed his brothers. Before he could be devoured Gladiator was rescued by the fabled knight Sir Laser-lot. Allying himself with King Grayskull he was trained in both ancient and modern battle techniques, mastering long forgotten weapons. After the King’s death he created mighty mystical weapons within the Forge of Grayskull with the help of his young trainees Tay-Larr and Salaria. Gladiator fell in defence of the grandchild of Grayskull and He-Ro in the early days of the Preternian Civil War. The weapons created by the defender of Grayskull still reside in the halls of the castle and his armor and thundermace would go on to inspire Duncan to create his own several millennia later.

So some more info about Hercule's bio.
Hercule was a concept toy design, eventually evolving into Ram Man. The design was to feature the action feature used for Ram Man's legs. Of course he never materialised as a toy.
Who is Gigantress?
You'll have to wait until next week I'm afraid.
What is the Gomon Stone?
The UK London Edition comics featured the Secret Scrolls of Scrollos and in the comic strip about Teela, Skeletor uses the Gomon Gem to control a demon to attack Teela and the relatively new He-man. Teela's part in the battle earned her the position of Captain of the Guard. 
Who is Gladiator?
Gladiator was a member of King Grayskull's version of the Masters. He featured in several panels of the Classics mini comics but no information was ever given about him. So really his origins were open to any interpretation.
Who was Sarcedon?
Sarcerdon was the UK comics version of Serpos but I've adapted it into the child of Serpos.

attached is Mark Taylor's (i believe) design for Hercule

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Adding visuals to the bios now I’ve learnt (albeit roughly) how to photoshop them! Enjoy!

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Masters Monday rolls in again, so time to share some more exciting bios with you. This week comes part four of the The Story of Vykron in the form of a Resurrected Dyr. 

And your bonus bio is Sawtooth, the evil warrior of Skeleteen.



so here is info you might want or need. 
who is Dyr?

Dyr appeared in the vintage MotU story - ‘The Sunbird’. A story where Skeletor attempts to find and rebuild an ancient weapon created by Dyr. In Classics Dyr was a Gar Warlord from Eternia’s past.

who is Sawtooth?

Sawtooth appeared in one of the Classics mini comics, but didn’t really do or feature much.


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Happy Masters Monday! This weeks instalment is chapter five of ‘The Story of Vykron’

The gem appeared in a vintage UK World Annual in which it was stolen by Evil Lyn to increase Skeletor’s strength in an ill-fated plan to defeat He-man. Our hero however crushed the gem at the end of the story.

Todays Masters Monday bonus bio is The Slave Girl of King Hsss who appeared in one panel of the mini comic ‘King of the Snake Men’.

She has caused much speculation over the years and I’ve filled that in and linked her to another mysterious character. Hope you enjoyed the twist.

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Hey and happy Masters Monday! I hope everyone is well and the run up to Christmas isn’t too stressful.
Today we have part six of The Story of Vykron. Previously we have seen how Vykron came to be one of the legendary He-men of history and how he came to be friends with Paladin and Hercule. We’ve seen him acquire the Lodestone of the Iron Forest and defeat the resurrected Gar Warlord Dyr. Now time to meet his newest companion on his quest to defeat the demon king himself - Kraal.
Meet Gigantress!

Wow, who the heck is she? Check out the explanation after the next exciting bio….
Another villainous lady from Eternia’s more recent past… The Enchantress

Hope you enjoyed this weeks offering. Now to answer that burning question…

Back when Ted Mayer was designing characters for the toyline, he created a simple black and white sketch on July 1st 1984 and described as a heroic female. And that was that, no more info was given and it never went any further than that. So I gave her a a name or two. I wanted her to be a giantress of some kind so that lead to her ‘codename’ and the name Astyri, that just came from blending a couple of giantess’ names from mythology. And the rest is fitting her into Vykron’s story.


As for the Enchantress, most of you will be familiar with her from the FILMation cartoons MotU - Search for the Past and PoP - King Miro’s Journey. Where we find out she had kidnapped Randor’s father and held him prisoner for many years. In the Classic continuity, she has a similar story in which she helps Count Marzo to banish King Miro to despondos. So that’s her.

Anyhow have a great week…and if your on the nice list maybe I’ll treat you to some extra bios for Christmas

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So  I’m in the Christmas spirit of giving at the moment, so I’ve decided that between now and and December 23rd I’m going to post the final four bios of The Story of Vykron. Then come back to new stories in the New Year.

So Todays bio is the final warrior to join on his quest to destroy Kraal once and for all. All your questions will be answered below!

Referred to as Manosaur, an Ed Watts design dated 29th September 1984, showed an idea for an action figure that can transform into a steed. The character never came to fruition.


The name was one of mine, Garda is the Portuguese for ‘claw’, which seemed appropriate. His origins were also mine, using established locations like Rondale and characters like the GBW, even introducing another Ed Watts design for the MotU toy - Turbosaur.

One character you might not familiar with is the Indestructible Robot. This villain featured in the original story from Brazil’s Editora Abril comics issue 18 1987. He was an evil alien robot who came to Eternia in the past and caused a fair amount and was trapped in a volcano. So I thought well why not give Vykron another story to tell.

attached in the origin Ed Watts design for Manosaur.

See you tomorrow for the next chapter of The Story of Vykron in the bio for Kraal!

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Ho Ho Ho! Who’s ready for another Christmas bonus bio? Nobody? Ah well you get one any way. Part Eight of The Story of Vykron is the demon king himself… Kraal.

Kraal only appeared once in the FILMation MotU series in the episode ‘The Betrayal of Stratos’ and really his appearance was more of a supporting role than that of the main villain. Up tomorrow is the penultimate chapter of Vykron’s tale with the Temple of Kraal bio! See you then

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Stop eating yoir mince pie and get ready for the penultimate chapter of The Story of Vykron!
This part comes in the form of The Temple of Kraal and boy does it have an ending

Yep you read that right, both Vykron and the Sword of Power were lost in time when they fell into Chronos Canyon!
what happened to them. Tomorrow you’ll discover the fate of Vykron. But as for the Power Sword, that will remian a mystery until it’s time to tell the story of an all new he-man never seen before in any comic cartoon or media.
see you tomorrow!

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Well here it is the final bio of 2023! The concluding chapter of The Story of Vykron.


Now I know this will be hit and miss with people but I had a few messages on Instagram that said that they wanted to see Vykron become the gladiator Vykron. I ummed and arred about it but in the end decided to go with it. I didn’t want to change the text from the original bio so that is all in this bio somewhere. It may not be a deserved ending for one of the legendary He-men but Vykron’s tale was meant to be one of tragedy and loss, he lost the tribes he was protecting and the friends he made along the way. At one point there was a storyline planned of the devastating loss of his wife and child but I changed my mind on that one. Plus it never quite sat right with me that there were two Vykron’s.

So you can compare, the original bio for Vykron was this…

Fifty years before Prince Adam was born, Vykron the Warrior fought in the gladiatorial arena of Lord Choloh, ruler of the Vine Jungle. Learning from each defeated opponent, he became a master of many combat techniques and weapons. As much a champion as a showman, he would often dress in outlandish garb to rouse the crowd and show off his skills. In his final match, he fought against the great Gygor. Before a cheering crowd, the evil fighting gorilla ripped Vykron’s body in half – at long last defeating the arena champion. Following this match, Gygor claimed not only the arena championship but rule of the Jungle itself, forcing Choloh to abdicate his throne. In life, Vykron was the greatest of Choloh’s gladiatorial warriors, fighting in any environment at any time.

we can only assume that Vykron was reunited with his friends for the Wild Hunt in the Vale of the Ancients after his death. I hope you’ve enjoyed this storyline with all its brand new old characters pulled from the annals of MotU history. Stay tuned for even more next year as we delve further into Eternia rich history.


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Did Anacondus (Stretch Nek) ever get a bio?

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@danielsan52 I haven’t posted any Snake Men, I have started out writing them and including them in the War of the Snake series of bios. But it’s unfinished as yet. But the short answer is no you haven’t missed one for him and it will come at some point.

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I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. Now we are back for 2024 with new unofficial just for fun classics bios. This Masters Monday I have updated previous bios to remove text and add a picture instead. This week I updated the Great Black Wizard.


But don’t worry there is still a brand new never seen before bonus bio… THE EVIL ROBOT





For those who have a keen interest in the vintage Toyline will probably remember the advertisement from 1985 for the Evil Robot that never materialised. 

So that bio. 

Where did the names A.L.P.S85 come from?

The robot prototype toy gets its body from a robot produced by ALPS Japan and it was advertised in 1985. 

A Robotican?

I decided it would be cool to have this character in Preternia and to end up as an ally of Bandwidth. Who I’d already planned on being Robotican to explain his advance tech in an era where technology was scarce. 

next week the new bio will be for a character who appeared in name only in the UK London addition comics. But if you’re up on your British sci-do TV series then you might recognise them. 

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A warm Masters Monday welcome to you all today!

This Monday I’ve added in a visual bio for The Shaping Staff Unlocked in the very first post of the thread telling the Legend of the Great Black Wizard’s story. So go check that out.

And as for todays Masters Monday bio, it is for a character many people didn’t even know existed in the Masters of the Universe universe.…HART-NELL



Yes exactly it is. 


Back in the 80s comics produced by Egmont Comics in the UK several indirect mentions of the popular sci-fi character Doctor Who were made. Particularly in 198? Issue ??, when Skeletor attempted to use Chronos Canyon to time travel in order to conquer Eternia. According to the villain a time travelling doctor named Hart-Nell came to Eternia and his blue time box combined with the magic in the rocks created Chronos Canyon and the Winds of Time. Doctor Who was still fairly popular family viewing at the time so one of the writers probably thought it would be amusing. 


The name Hart-Nell was almost definitely used because the first actor to play the Doctor was an actor named William Hartnell. The blue time-box was the Doctor’s T.A.R.D.I.S (time and relative dimension in space) a huge spaceship that could change its shape and size to disguise itself. It was always bigger on the inside than it was on the outside (like Point Dredd) and thanks to a broken chameleon switch, the Doctor’s ship was stuck in the shape of a British 1960s Police telephone box. 

I made this bio in excitement after watching the new Doctor Who specials over Christmas, so really it is just for fun. It’s one that can be discarded if you really don’t feel it. But it was mentioned in UK comics so it made sense to word it in a way that if ‘you know you know’. I also liked the idea of the Ancients learning how to explore the universe from someone who already had. Also a little tie in to Dyr trying to breach the Eternian Dimension from Infintia.

Tune in next week for the update to the third chapter of the Legend of the Great Black Wizard and for a bio for a rather negative character


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