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Welcome to ForEternia.com, a community site built for all Masters of the Universe fans!
How we got here:
The Masters of the Universe brand was rejuvenated by the amazing “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” show; the 2021 streaming television series created by Ted Biaselli, Rob David, Kevin Smith, Adam Bonnett, Christopher Keenan, Frederic Soulie & more with animation by Powerhouse Animation Studios. Wanting to support and celebrate this terrific show is what inspired AJ (this site’s founder) to create ForEternia.com in 2021. And since the website’s creation, we have expanded to cover all things Masters of the Universe!
About the Show that Inspired ForEternia.com:
Originally announced in partnership with Mattel & Netflix in 2019 at “America’s Mightiest Toy Show” Power-Con held in Anaheim, California, this ten episode series was released in two parts premiering on July 23, 2021, and concluding on November 23, 2021. And what this creative team brought forth was a wonderful adult continuation of the events that took place in 1983 Filmation series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” creating truly a love letter to that classic series… all while elevating the material to the lofty heights of an epic literary fantasy work! They respectfully treated the lore of an 80’s children’s show like it was created by J. R. R. Tolkien!
The cast! The performances! The score! The writing! The scope! The dialogue! The emotion! This ambitious triumph was truly a wonder to behold and subsequently not just praised by critics and thousands of fans who grew up loving the original classic Filmation animated series, but by new fans as well.
So, if you haven’t experienced this wonderfully thrilling and emotional series yet, we encourage you to check it out immediately on Netflix!
And if you have watched it already, well watch it again! And please join our community and help us celebrate Masters of the Universe: Revelation!

It is about time someone made a website for this awesome show!