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[Sticky] Masterverse general discussion

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Posted by: @depp76

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

Have you seen the prices for Battle Armor Skeletor on eBay? 

What the hell is Mattel doing?  I can't believe a Skeletor variant is super ultra rare. There are so many Skeletors in this line how could this happen to any of them? And at the same time, my Walmart is jam packed with Flying Fists He-Man.

Masterverse is always super easy to get. But then crap like Webstor, Buzz-Off & BA Skeletor happens. It always happens to my favorite characters. I wish somebody from Mattel would communicate with us. Are they producing less of certain characters?   

You can pre-order that Battle Armor Skeletor at Books a Million for $21.99.  That's what I did.


I saw that too but I don't think it's legit. Underneath it says Alliance Entertainment is selling it not Books A Million and they probably didn't update their listing. They also sell stuff through other big companies like Walmart.


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Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

Have you seen the prices for Battle Armor Skeletor on eBay? 

What the hell is Mattel doing?  I can't believe a Skeletor variant is super ultra rare. There are so many Skeletors in this line how could this happen to any of them? And at the same time, my Walmart is jam packed with Flying Fists He-Man.

Masterverse is always super easy to get. But then crap like Webstor, Buzz-Off & BA Skeletor happens. It always happens to my favorite characters. I wish somebody from Mattel would communicate with us. Are they producing less of certain characters?   

The problem could be the demand is extra high because that BA Skeletor is hot! Look at Man-Of-War. He was also part of that wave and you can get him on eBay for 16 bucks. 


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Posted by: @chrisa

Yeah, I jumped on Sy-Clone thinking he'd be hard to get.  Still love the figure, though. 

I am still surprised that figure wasn't a juggernaut sales-wise!


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Same story is with New Eternia Stratos...I think there is only 1 on Ebay and the price is about 150 $...

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I think it's about time Mattel released a Masterverse version of the Fan Favorite line.

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You can still pre order him

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@brasco I have considered that but the exchange rate is pretty crap right now.  I've decided to hang back til he becomes available locally and cross my fingers.

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Do any of you have experience with Books A Million pre-orders?  Do they actually get the items in? I want to pre-order a couple items but they've been sitting there for a long time & never seem to come in stock. I read that when Entertainment Earth lists something as BACKORDER they never get the item. I had BA Skeletor pre-ordered on EE and they eventually canceled it. I get the feeling it's the same with BAM. Anybody know for sure? 


Battle Armor are my favorite variants of He-Man & Skeletor. BA Skeletor was the one I was clamoring for so there was no way I was going to miss him.

I don't know how to imbed an image on here. I only see the attchment option. 

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I have no experience with that particular store, but I would be very sceptical of a store that has no real track record in toys and such to be able to deliver a figure that is evidently out of stock everywhere else (globally!). Most likely the status of that item just wasn't updated correctly and you'll end up waiting forever until some intern realizes their mistake ^^ 

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Posted by: @mighty-thanos

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

Have you seen the prices for Battle Armor Skeletor on eBay? 

What the hell is Mattel doing?  I can't believe a Skeletor variant is super ultra rare. There are so many Skeletors in this line how could this happen to any of them? And at the same time, my Walmart is jam packed with Flying Fists He-Man.

Masterverse is always super easy to get. But then crap like Webstor, Buzz-Off & BA Skeletor happens. It always happens to my favorite characters. I wish somebody from Mattel would communicate with us. Are they producing less of certain characters?   

The problem could be the demand is extra high because that BA Skeletor is hot! Look at Man-Of-War. He was also part of that wave and you can get him on eBay for 16 bucks. 


Yeah people who don't normally collect motu bought that figure because it's so fire.


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Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

Do any of you have experience with Books A Million pre-orders?  Do they actually get the items in? I want to pre-order a couple items but they've been sitting there for a long time & never seem to come in stock. I read that when Entertainment Earth lists something as BACKORDER they never get the item. I had BA Skeletor pre-ordered on EE and they eventually canceled it. I get the feeling it's the same with BAM. Anybody know for sure? 


Battle Armor are my favorite variants of He-Man & Skeletor. BA Skeletor was the one I was clamoring for so there was no way I was going to miss him.

I don't know how to imbed an image on here. I only see the attchment option. 

BAM isn't selling it. It's a different seller. Big companies like Amazon and Walmart let others sellers sell their product through their site for a cut or the money. BAM does it too.


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Posted by: @yen1893

Same story is with New Eternia Stratos...I think there is only 1 on Ebay and the price is about 150 $...

I am glad I bought one when I did. I love his breather mask. It looks like something an airforce pilot would use.


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@mighty-thanos same here

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HOLE S**T!  I didn't even know about Stratos.  I just searched eBay & found 2. WTF is going on? lol  Canada's is more expensive than a Titan class Transformer. Thats just not right. And you know Mattel will probably make a new one for the Vintage collection (if they keep that line going).

Stratos eBay Canada $278.00

Stratos eBay Germany $157.35

BBTS put up a pre-order a couple months ago for a Transformers Titan class Omega Supreme reissue and it's a BBTS EXCLUSIVE. I'm wondering if there's any way they could get Mattel to reissue these Masterverse figures & make them BBTS exclusives. At the very least Mattel should make sure they stay in stock on Mattel Creations. I don't understand why Mattel doesn't reissue hot figures. They did with Origins Grizzlor. Snake Sorceress Teela Also sold out immediately along with BA Skeletor.


So, is there a way to imbed images on this forum?

We Have The Power Admin
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Posted by: @sci-fitsunami
So, is there a way to imbed images on this forum?

If the image is hosted on the internet, just copy and and paste the url address of the image (http...etc...jpg) anywhere into your forum post and it should embed. 🙂

If you want to host the image, there is one more step. You first have to attach your image to your forum post, then once it is posted, view & copy the image's url address that you just attached and paste it into your reply.

Hope that helps!


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The real nightmare in the UK was NA He-Man, never did get that one. I was lucky getting Skeletor from that line.

Palace Bodyguard
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Is NE Stratos rare now? After he was released, I noticed that he was available on multiple e-tailer sites for a while, and I saw him hanging around on some store shelves even on clearance until he eventually disappeared. Seemed easy to get at the time. If you snooze...

abaddon reacted
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Posted by: @admin

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami
So, is there a way to imbed images on this forum?

If the image is hosted on the internet, just copy and and paste the url address of the image (http...etc...jpg) anywhere into your forum post and it should embed. 🙂

If you want to host the image, there is one more step. You first have to attach your image to your forum post, then once it is posted, view & copy the image's url address that you just attached and paste it into your reply.

Hope that helps! 

Awesome! Thanks!  I'm saving this info for next time.


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Posted by: @durendal

Is NE Stratos rare now? After he was released, I noticed that he was available on multiple e-tailer sites for a while, and I saw him hanging around on some store shelves even on clearance until he eventually disappeared. Seemed easy to get at the time. If you snooze...

They were all easy as hell to get when they were first released. There is no rhyme or reason as to why certain ones shoot up to over $100. Webstor was easy to get. Stratos was easy. The only ones I've seen sell out everywhere immediately were the recent BA Skeletor & Snake Sorceress Teela. Buzz-Off sold out really fast but not immediately. He was available for about a month and never shot up to $100. This is really weird!

The worst thing about this is there is no communication from Mattel. It seems really weird to me how we are buying their product & basically paying all their salaries & they completely cut us off. Without us they wouldn't even have jobs. So you'd think they're be grateful & want to stay in touch with their customers. But everything in this world is bass-ackwards. I would LOVE to know how a Skeletor variant ended up being so rare. And the same goes for Origins Thunder-Punch He-Man.  


Palace Bodyguard
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@sci-fitsunami Don't get me started. Mattel's communication with the MOTU fans has been utter garbage ever since Scott left back in what, 2016? Almost a decade now. Disgusting really.

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