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@slycooperastroboy51 @samuel I wish Filmation would have made The Secret of the Sword movie in the style of this full length 1979 Flash Gorfon movi...
AJ you are correct in calling buyers "caretakers" instead of owners. These are historic pieces of art that need to be preserved properly. The winning ...
A terrific announcement. Bring on more content for us old fans.
Back from the land of the dead. Good thing my collecting days are over.
Quite frankly this looks like your run of the mill sword and sorcery teaser. The Netflix programs have done it better.
Both of the maquettes are spectacular. The sculptors did a stupendous job upgrading the old aesthetic without changing the old aesthetic. I am impress...
Notice his hands. Perhaps this man is also an ultimate fighter because his knuckles are grotesquely callused.
We get to see Fisto in a movie theater. This is incredible.
I don't understand its current form.
@ruxtowntingler Thank you for the information. I will have to look further into these myself.
This brought a tear to my eye. Well done.
@ruxtowntingler I never heard of a MOTU Museum comic book. Who was the publishing company?
The nostalgia is less strong for Rio Blast due to his timing. Rio Blast appeared in stores during the 1986 holiday season. That was the same time the ...
He was living on the streets at one point. How tragic for a Filmation legend.
@mrhootiedean Keeping the franchise alive was also the goal with New Adventures. I hope the differences are not as severe.
Happy New Year my friends!
This feels awkward and desperate and late. Very late. Vendors and the public have little to no time to prepare.
@kraken Watch the episode Dissappearing Act. He-Man puts Orko's robe on the head of Skeletor to locate his head and remove the invisibility helmet.
You are correct. They both created it. Substantially so. Filmation employee Larry DiTillio was the one who came up with the name She-Ra.
I must be honest. It took me a second to get used to the idea but I quickly warmed up to it. Idris is an amazing actor that elevates all who surrounds...
Die Hard. An excellent film that still holds up.
Haha. It's true.
Snout Spout has been all things from an alien to a sports jock. My favorite is he came from a race of people called the Hosers. {laugh}:adam:
Very nice.
@durendal All I heard was Power-Con will be returning in 2025.