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The Org was shuttered months ago. There's been no talk of another edition of Power Con that I've heard of. Did I miss anything? Is Val out of the fandom completely now? Has someone else started planning something?
Power-Con is returning in 2025. The event is taking a hiatus for 2024, because the convention center had already booked their selected dates. You can stay up-to-date by visiting the POWER-CON 2025 Chat Group on Facebook.
@disneyboy Val said losing the dates he booked to a bigger show was part of it but Val also said he lost money the past 2 years and he had to look over his budgets. He also said he needed time to work with Pixel Dan on a project. So there seems to be more behind this and closing than what's being said.
So who really knows if Powe-Con will come back in 2025. Val originally said Powe-Con would be back in 2024. Time will tell I guess.
@caliban Between maintaining the org for decades and organizing power con, Val seems to have endured quite the expenses (losses) - makes you wonder why and how he did these things for so long if he was constantly in the red...
@durendal Unless it's Star Wars I don't think fan sites and fan conventions will ever make money. I think they are labor of loves.
Thanks for the details Prince Adam! Good to know, though I'll take it with a grain of salt, given how much has changed and shifted in the fandom and the world in general.
@caliban Between maintaining the org for decades and organizing power con, Val seems to have endured quite the expenses (losses) - makes you wonder why and how he did these things for so long if he was constantly in the red...
He probably did it for the love for the property. Being a pseudocelebrity must also have its charms.
@endzeit The arithmetic seems simpler for cons than fan sites. Do either account for all the passionate people that spend countless hours organizing them?
I did see Val on Mega Jay Retro earlier this year who said that Power Con was changing to an event every two years.Â
@viceroy idk about everyone else but I would lose interest waiting that long in between
He needed MOTU exclusive figures to turn a profit when it came to the MOTU centric California Power-Cons. Once Mattel didn't want to do the exclusive figures with the con anymore, that was pretty much the end of its MOTU con run. I have no idea how the Columbus cons are going. It is close to where Val lives and I imagine Columbus is less expensive than California. You just don't see as many celebrities and guests from the CA area now for obvious reasons.
Why did Mattel stop doing the PC exclusives? I feel like there's a story there...
I think when Mattel Creations came to be, Mattel just wanted to do figure exclusives through there. Even their SDCC figures can be bought there. I think it was more of a business decision than any sort of falling out.
Fun fact: If Power-Con happens I plan to do three cosplays for the three seperate days! Rocket Raccon from GotG Vol. 3 on Friday, Dreamworks She-Ra's final suit on Saturday, and Adult Zuko from ATLA on Sunday! I still need to make the fist two. I'm working on a Batman now!
@thenerdwithasuit I'm really struggling to imagine the same person cosplaying as Rocket Raccoon and She-Ra. Are you a dude?
@thenerdwithasuit I'm really struggling to imagine the same person cosplaying as Rocket Raccoon and She-Ra. Are you a dude?
Leave him alone it's fine. Â
Your cosplay ideas sound fun! I hope we all get to see them 🙂
I'm always impressed by people who can be versatile with their looks...
Apparently, Power Con is "teaming up" with Toylanta and will be held in Atlanta from Mar. 28th - 30th, 2025.
I'm calling it - this will be the last PC unless the live action movie is a hit (if it gets made) so that they have something to ride the coattails on. Otherwise, it feels deader than ever.
This feels awkward and desperate and late. Very late. Vendors and the public have little to no time to prepare.
This feels awkward and desperate and late. Very late. Vendors and the public have little to no time to prepare.
Yea less than 3 months is not much notice.Â