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United and stronger because of it! For Eternia is excited to announce a brand new partnership between the "Masters of the Universe" websites and This union is called "Battle For Eternia". Known for their incredibe research and amazing in-depth articles covering the history and toy design of one of the most successful action figure ines of all.time, Battle Ram Blog and For Eternia have formed a new alliance to centralize their comprehensive content in an effort to further unify this amazing growing community. Yes, beginning today, not only will there be a "Battle For Eternia" logo on both…
We have the Power!
The way I read this is the news will now feature old and new content. Brilliant!
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
Most exiting news AJ! This is simply wonderful. I have been greatly depending on the Battle Ram site since I started going full on collecting MOTU in 2020 with the start of Origins. It’s a priceless treasure trove for MOTU, a sacred archive. To see For Eternia, who are equally dedicated to MOTU in their own way, combine with Battle Ram, is a testament to how strong MOTU has become. You have the Power!