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We have sad news to report. "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" and "She-Ra Princess of Power" animator Mike Toth has passed away. An animator with a long illustrious resume including being part of Disney's animation renaissance era of the 1990's, Mike Toth began his career at Filmation Studios. It is at Filmation where Mike began working on legendary cartoons like "Fat Albert", "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" and "She-Ra Princess of Power". Filmation became a great launching pad for Mike and his impressive career. Once Filmation closed its doors, Mike Toth eventually made his way over…
We have the Power!
He was living on the streets at one point. How tragic for a Filmation legend.
Here I can drink as much as I want and then stop cold turkey. People with the alcoholic gene are the most unlucky people in the world.
Its eery how easy the grip to the bottle can be when struggling with depression. 😞
My condolences to his loved ones and my thanks for his works.
Rip. It is noble that she took him in to try to save him. The sad truth is we cannot fix addicts. Addicts can only fix themselves.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
I am so very sorry to hear this sad news.
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
Thanks for all the great memories you were able to create in all of us....