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@adam_prince-of-eternia I agree. This might have been for the best.
🤣 🤣 🤣
They put everything else in Fortnight. Bout time they got around to MotU.
I'll have to give them a look when I have the spare cash.
@ornclown Glad to know there's at least one fellow fan on this board.
Even with Hordak returning with Despara, they've still likely got this universe's version Horde Prime to deal with.
Hopefully they did that ending after successfully negotiating the rights for She-Ra.
Might work if they could come up with an interesting back story for her.
@kraken it was basically "Thundercats Underwater" the same way Silverhawks was "Thundercats in Space".
Yeah. The instructor has high standards. However, this is something I want to do in my "ideal job", so I look forward to improving.
Need to repeat one class before I graduate. I was hoping to start job hunting after new years.
I agree. I loved Revelations.
Toy releases spoiling the story