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We have the Power!
I know some people complain about it just having He-Man and no Prince Adam, but I'm with the group that agree that there was no time / point in him changing back with the fast pace of the film.
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@costume-n00b Not the way it was currently written no, but I would take a revised script with Prince Adam instead of Kevin and Julie and my parents are dead any day. And I love the movie as it currently stands.
My very young me was disappointed by it. But thats waaaaaaaay back then. By now I love it for what it is and celebrate it for the cool things it has like Frank Langellas awesome larger then live Skeletor performance. Still hope any new life action adaption that might come does take a far more serious job in getting looks and costumes right so it would not take me 20 years to like it 😛
@lurker-man Hollywood has come a long way when it comes to skeletal villians. There is no excuse to make a mess of Skeletor now.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@lurker-man Hollywood has come a long way when it comes to skeletal villians. There is no excuse to make a mess of Skeletor now.
I'm not in the slightest worried about the technical & costume progress and the general theoretical ability to be spot on. The least of all Skeletor. I'm more worried about their ability to A) get people that want to and B) have the power to do so.
Getting more into detail about why I try to keep my hopes down regarding a new movie even if it gets done might derail too much though.
I love the Masters movie, especially Meg Foster as Evil-Lyn, she is so dynamic! 😀
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
One of my favorite Power-Con experiences was meeting Meg Foster, Anthony De Longis, and Chelsea Field at Power-Con 2017. Meg was the most friendly, even giving me a kiss on the cheek. Anthony was really friendly, too. Chelsea was only signing autographs for a limited amount of time, so I didn't talk to her much. Outside of Star Wars movies, this is probably one of the movies I've rewatched the most over the years along with Transformers: The Movie.
@firefly It makes me so happy to hear you say that Meg was the most friendly Firefly. I never went to a convention before. I don't like big crowds. If I ever would go Meg would be the one I would most want to meet even more than hunky Dolph.
Meg Foster is a grandmother. She kept offering me granola bars from her purse, and she walked the convention floor holding the hand of one child with another one on her hip. These were not her relatives, these were the children of attendees. She is very sweet, and we talked about her love of horses.
A look at one of the special fx matte paintings used in the making of the 1987 live-action film "Masters of the Universe", created by artist Matthew Yuricich. 🎨
We have the Power!
A look at some of the early costume concept design work by artist Jean “Moebius” Giraud for HE-MAN played by actor Dolph Lundgren in the 1987 live-action movie "Masters of the Universe". 🎨
We have the Power!