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Topic starter
07/12/2023 3:36 pm
People will love them. People will buy them. Kids will be like What's that! and learn about them. I don't think anyone bought the cryptocrap. Roblox doesn't come close to Fortnite. Come on
Catra Applesauce Meowmeow and He-Dad reacted
07/12/2023 4:38 pm
Didn’t they have a Skeletor skin in Call of duty?
08/12/2023 1:52 am
They literally put everything else in Fortnite, so I'd say there's definitely a chance of it happening.
Community Leader
Asterstar reacted
08/12/2023 9:18 am
I'm all for this. Fortnite is the #1 game in the world. The exposure would be great.