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Will EE or BBTS ever get the vintage collection?
@ornclown he considers himself one bc he’s a giant douche. I’m not just saying that bc of the way he handled shutting down the org either
Looking forward, thanks guys!
@sketchyskeletor $80-$90 is where I figured it would be priced at. Where TF did $130+ come from??
Just got shipping notice for He-ro
@ninadust well she is pretty damn hot as is!
@eternianbunny was that the one where she faked it bc her husband was cheating on her?
On a brighter note, ran in to these a little while ago IMG_6655.jpeg
@banthafett that includes the vintage boxes exactly how they were too
I mean I’m all for keeping motu alive but I just want them to finish the vintage already. Like many others have mentioned there is too much going on a...
@brain77 😂😂😂
@sketchyskeletor @filmgeek it also shows on your order history on MC website
@sci-fitsunami I thought the same thing about Panthor but he definitely looks better in person.
@he-dad I saw that on a Disney cruise last week. Seemed more like a direct to DVD release. I didn’t really like it
@durendal this is the worst wave since wave 1. Shame bc they’ve come along way
@mrhootiedean how did the fandom ruin that? They completely redesigned what everyone voted for. That’s on them
@disneyboy paulmartstore
@samuel right now I think they just have a forum which I don’t really care to look at. Otherwise we will receive emails when ever they have a vote or ...
@ornclown hey now Superman returns was very underrated 😃. Personally, I loved it.
Supposedly more info today at 9am Pac/12pm eastern. Not sure how I feel about the members only figure if thats true. Going to be a lot of unhappy peop...
Is there a release date yet? These look amazing
We can complain all we want, they will always have their hands down Mattel’s pants. I stopped preordering from Walmart years ago and wait for another ...
@mrhootiedean not that people can’t afford them, I can speak for myself that I find a lot of reviewers extremely annoying
I can see through that disguise lol. JK, welcome
@adam_prince-of-eternia I fell asleep for a good 20 minutes lol. That says a lot. I’ll say this much, they should have just retired Cap and not passed...