BATTLE FOR ETERNIA! Battle Ram Blog & For Eternia websites announce a brand new “Masters of the Universe” fellowship!

United and stronger because of it!

For Eternia is excited to announce a brand new partnership between the “Masters of the Universe” websites and This union is called “Battle For Eternia“.

Known for their incredibe research and amazing in-depth articles covering the history and toy design of one of the most successful action figure ines of all.time, Battle Ram Blog and For Eternia have formed a new alliance to centralize their comprehensive content in an effort to further unify this amazing growing community.

Yes, beginning today, not only will there be a “Battle For Eternia” logo on both and websites that will act as a permanent gateways to each other’s sites, but Battle Ram Blog will also be posting leads to their new articles within the For Eternia newsfeed!

So how did this fantastic partnership come to be? Stay tuned to For Eternia for all the details. That’s right! The genesis between this new alliance will be explained during the premiere episode of their brand new “Battle For Eternia” Podcast! (to debut shortly.)

The Battle for Eternia has begun!

Stay tuned!

13 thoughts on “BATTLE FOR ETERNIA! Battle Ram Blog & For Eternia websites announce a brand new “Masters of the Universe” fellowship!

  1. Most exiting news AJ! This is simply wonderful. I have been greatly depending on the Battle Ram site since I started going full on collecting MOTU in 2020 with the start of Origins. It’s a priceless treasure trove for MOTU, a sacred archive. To see For Eternia, who are equally dedicated to MOTU in their own way, combine with Battle Ram, is a testament to how strong MOTU has become. You have the Power!

    1. A terrific announcement. Bring on more content for us old fans.

      All us fans are old.
      Laugh Beast Man

      Most of us are old dudes but there are some younger dudes and dudettes around. 

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