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Bro you can't call it complete garbage when Tony Todd did the voice. He is a horror legend! {shockef}:scareglow:
Maybe I'm in the minority but I'm sorry. That She-Ra is a step down compared to the last one. And with the 200X art is Clawful coming before E...
Ohhhhhhh is that what happened? I remember hearing some sort of slasher Mickey Mouse serial killer movie called Screamboat was announced. I was wonder...
MOTCU Masters of the Cinematic Universe
That Meme! 😂
Happy 40th She-Ra! {power}:she-ra1:
It will only cost you
I am hypnotized by her eyes! {confused}:orko:
All us fans are old. {laugh}:beastman:
What a pairing! Congratulations AJ and Adam!
Awesome you were on a Disney cruise bro but not awesome you saw Brave New World. 😂 You described it exactly. Most of that movie felt like a direct to ...
Welcome @slycooperastroboy51 it's nice to have you aboard bro! You'll find many people here who love Origins, love Revelation and Revolution and are o...
@durendal Captain America Brave New World. Meh. The Red Hulk fight was the best part but it was too short.
Steelbook is awesome. Bluray is awesomer! Together it's awesomeness! {excited}:skeletor:
@smokinya That would be so cool bro but it's fan art
This is really filming brother! There are pics!
Love it! Welcome bro!
I still can't believe we are going to get a live action Goat man. Once I see that I'll be like I'm ready to die now. 🤣
I got you bro!