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Last seen: Mar 24, 2025
I need to get a better look at that head sculpt but with the helmet on he looks bad ass!
It's the simple for me. The Pit Warden.
Asking the Barbie team would have been a smart movie. Too bad you don't work for Mattel.
Watching Adora and Adam growing up as teens trying to outdo each other would have been a much better way to go than the cg show with the overplayed te...
It would be nice. I hate Walmart. The store. The online shop. All of it.
Every figure announced should end with Mattel saying Good Luck.
She would look great next to my Masterverse Snake Teela. I wonder how much she'll go for.
@admin Got one. Thanks.
Genius idea guys. I like it. This makes perfect sense.
Who are these people? 😂
I heard she was listed at EE but went I went she was sold out.
@sci-fitsunami When did you first order it because I got mine. Did you order it when it first went up or later? Sometimes EE keeps the preorder option...
Remember Classics was also a mixed bag in quality. For me Classics and New Eternia is the gold standard and they both had their problems. New Eternia ...
@durendal The original 8 back includes Zodac. That would literally blow my mind.
Let it be Beast Man and Stratos and Buzz Off. Make it so.
It could be the Masterverse movie Blade.
Mattel didn't drop the ball with PoP as hard as they did with the kids show or New Adventures lines but 7 figs is still entirely too little. I say 12 ...
They canceled mine too and there was no payment error. Walmart is the worst.
@sci-fitsunami I could have predicted that. They teased the Blade figure last year at ComicCon.
@onlyoneskeletor That is what I meant by direct market. If Masterverse became mostly a direct market line maybe we can see them complete something? Ri...
I expect a Masterverse Amazon movie line next. Finishing the line is something meant for the direct market like the vintage origins figures. As long a...
Sorry Dolph fans but this movie is already closer to the source material than the 1987 movie ever was.
When the Cartoon Collection is done I think there will be more figures in the line than Club Grayskull. Cartoon Collection has already filled some big...
I am buying one but there is no doubt the paint is weird. It's like the instructions was to paint the armor with metallic paint and the people in the ...