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I actually think the Mondo Cyclops (from X-Men TAS) looks pretty good.
Well said. I agree 100%
I wonder how a head-swap would look...?
The thigh cut is an ugly, lazy, useless point of articulation that -more often than not- ruins the sculpt. I detest it. This is also why Masterverse...
@disneyboy She is easily one of my favorite MV figures! 😍 😍 😍 😍
I thought this at first too... especially with all of the fanfare leading up to him. Fortunately, the only CG Exclusive so far is He-Ro.
Same. The exact same thing happened with my Geldor too... he was shipped next day.
Agreed. So are Faker, i.e. blue He-Man and Stinkor, i.e. black & white Mer-Man... etc. My point is, Pit Warden, Horde Revenant, et. al are chara...
@smokinya I can totally understand that. While I still respect and love it, Star Trek TOS is my Dad's Star Trek. I grew up on The Next Generation, D...
@brasco Without a doubt, the closing of the .org was a giant flustercluck... with little to no information being given to anyone. Even the mods were l...
@sci-fitsunami Speaking for myself only, my biggest gripe with this new She-Ra mostly boils down to this: After the beautiful Evil-Lyn, I had hop...
Alamo Drafthouse should have jumped on this... Are there any reels / prints of the movie in existence?
So, how many Power-Cons have you all been to since its inception? I have only been to one, in 2016. Wait... Val Staples is considered a pse...
This is my biggest issue with Mondo... they are single-handedly inflating the prices for collectibles across the market. Hot Toys are more detailed, h...
I like the Cats Lair homage for the Wind Raider... I'd save the Thundertank homage for a crossover with the Battle Ram or Attack Trak.
Indeed, I'm an outspoken critic of the MYP series... it is my least favorite iteration in all of MOTU. However, if we got a screen accurate He-Man i...
Speaking of BBTS, I was on their site early this morning - then it went down for "maintenance" for a while... When it came back online, all the pric...
Yeah, it's pretty upsetting because that box art is gorgeous... and She-Ra deserves better. 🤣Totally!
Considering Mattel is raking people over the coals with a "membership" fee... there had better be a lot of new tooling and not just a bunch of recolor...
100% This is why I used the term 'uninspired...' I have seen some amazing kit-bashed figures in the MOTU communities. These "official" Mattel kit-...
I think that I read an article on Toyark that stated Mattel did, in fact, intend to distribute MOTU in Pacific Asian markets. The Super 7 packaging is...
I saw this over at Toy Habits and thought it would make a pretty cool addition to the line if Mattel did a legit version: Link:/p>
@admin Again, the artwork for this brand never fails to impress! This would have been a centerfold poster in the old MOTU magazine... These...
To separate themselves from everything else that is coming out, I think it would be wise, and very cool, if Mondo went the cartoon route. I know th...