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Last seen: Mar 21, 2025
Now we're talkin. Maybe they ditched the snake lair for the fright zone.
@durendal Plastic crack wins again.
If the angle is to hide the derp then Mattel is doing us dirty.
Vultak is as well known as Geldor so if he sells out on MC then we start worrying that the demand to finish the vintage line is shrinking.
Nailed it 100% dude. It is sad to say but many in the toy circles I hang out in say the same things and they didn't stick it out like we have.
Got mine but sad these are shipping in March. I got so used to MC shipping right away.
@sketchyskeletor I broke down and rented it. It was ok. If I ranked all three this one would be last.
Now we're talking. Finally another true vintage figure and Rio looks great. Take my freakin money.
@sketchyskeletor What I was talking about was an actual documentary movie not a podcast. I found it on vimeo but you got to pay to watch it.
@durendal Total joke. I rather fork 10 bucks more and get the deluxe.
Not bad. If this will be the way the costume looks in the movie I can dig it. The cape is a nice touch.
@brasco Good save dude! 🤣 I don't know him personally but I get the vibe by the way he acts and talks AJ ain't full of himself. I also like the hands ...
So Power Con will have a booth at Toylanta?
@lasastard That is where I am man. I want some Thundercats on my shelf but my cash is limited and these don't feel worth it. Maybe I could look past t...
I no way meant it seriously 🤣
Knew it. Mattel get your shit together.
I see. As a fan I am supposed to appreciate everything Mattel puts out even the shit I don't think is good. {confused}:he-man:
To quote you Next time throw a positivity only in the subject line if negativity to the idea triggers you. Christ dude you act like I am insultin...
Relax dude. Outside of church people say shit all the time. Like that shit is expensive.
Classics will fall in status if Mattel keeps making figs as good as New Eternia Evil-Lyn and Mer-Man.
Didn't Hasbro and Mattel do that cross licensing agreement last year? It's probably going to happen. More crossover shit my money won't go to.
Christ Prince Adam will have an office job.
Right on. At least Faker is a different character. I'll give Mattel that. This Invisible Skeletor is just a wasted spot in a wave.