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Taking a closer look at the screen accurate brown paint that disappeared off the face of the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" BUZZ-OFF figure between the prototype and promotional images (and hoping it returns on the final design).
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I didn't notice the missing brown and now I can't unsee it.
Frosta has always been my favorite. The females in the Cartoon Collection look awesome (except for Evil-Lyn).
@sci-fitsunami They do look great, but they really messed up their height. They need a re-do based on that alone.
@admin Oh boy, just like the missing grey paint on Hordak. Lame and easily preventable with even a modicum of QC.
Some people on social media are comparing this to the cape-less controversy of Evil-Lyn. Hopefully the production run matches the prototype. 🤞
Also, modicum! Great word! 😃
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