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Taking a closer look at the screen accurate brown paint that disappeared off the face of the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" BUZZ-OFF figure between the prototype and promotional images (and hoping it returns on the final design).

We have the Power!
I didn't notice the missing brown and now I can't unsee it.
Frosta has always been my favorite. The females in the Cartoon Collection look awesome (except for Evil-Lyn).Â
@sci-fitsunami They do look great, but they really messed up their height. They need a re-do based on that alone.
@admin Oh boy, just like the missing grey paint on Hordak. Lame and easily preventable with even a modicum of QC.
Some people on social media are comparing this to the cape-less controversy of Evil-Lyn. Hopefully the production run matches the prototype. 🤞
Also, modicum! Great word! 😃
We have the Power!
I'm not sure who need what figures but Paulmart has some on "sale" if you want to take a look. The sort function does not recognize the sale price so you'll have to look for the ones marked down to $14.99
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
Please be true... retail, especially.Â
@sketchyskeletor oh man, imagine if it’s exclusive to the German toy fair. 😂
Ha, yeah, Mattel doesn't exactly care who buys what so long as the warehouse is cleared!@sketchyskeletor oh man, imagine if it’s exclusive to the German toy fair. 😂
Please be true... retail, especially.Â
Now we're talkin. Maybe they ditched the snake lair for the fright zone.Â
@kraken I'd say the Fright Zone was a reference they wanted to address to the retail market from day one; so no incidence to their crowdfunding project as a result. Now if I'm being honest, I would have given the same favor treatment to Hordak's lair as the size as much as the finish usually turn out superior via that venue. But hey, it is what it is, better than nothing!
FZ said to be a Q4 release this year - Toy Habits livestream.
Please be true... retail, especially.Â
This makes me really really happy. I was worried Mattel would sunset the line before releasing FZ.... Curious to see if and how they updated the design.
Please be true... retail, especially.Â
This makes me really really happy. I was worried Mattel would sunset the line before releasing FZ.... Curious to see if and how they updated the design.
I'm hoping it's scaled up and that the creature is scaled right (unlike the Snake Mountain snake). I doubt they will, but it'd be nice if the back could be utilised somehow too.
As long as the creature isn't another rubber sock puppet 😛 But yes, some sort of update would be nice. The original size is close to perfect for me, I don't want to have buy another display case again only to be able to fit that thing. Slightly bigger would be ok, if it adds a bit of "drama". Here is hoping that we will get a proper preview soon.
I just want the Fright Zone to look like a base and not a campsite.Â
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
@smitty-81 Me too. The vintage FZ design sucked. Not sure why so many are clamoring for it in the exact form as the original.