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As I have previously brought up, variant covers operate on a different "level" (in the case of DH MOTU comics currently). They have more freedom to us...
Haha. Just wait and read the comic. 😉
I don't think the issue's synopsis promised us anything about Despara? And variant covers have proven to be outside of any actual comic contents; Seel...
That has been the overall notion, ever since the "bloodline" idea was conceived. That it goes from King Grayskull (from a millenia ago, or 1000 years ...
It's a fantastic issue! And as I stated earlier here and on Facebook... ScreenRant and their article was wrong. They had not much of a "theory" base...
Loved the nods to MOTU Abril brazilian minicomic with Queen Zal. Was fortunate to help the team in the research. :)Also this issue gives me even more ...
The Rock People have atleast 5 slightly altering Origin stories in vintage minicomics, cartoon, magazines, etc. But they usually arrive to Eternia (...
Though remember even there they had to have an agreement with the rights-holder, mentioned in the small legal print. A fun example, though a bit...
When Season 2 was announced back in June 2022, they also confirmed it was only going to be 5 episodes. So we need plenty good word of mouth, and get...
I've definitely seen some fans suggest that the ancient evils/creatures are Monstroids. Which sounds better than "maybe Trap Jaw got deformed". ...
Looks like the cat is out of the bag now. Revolution tie-in comic, written by Tim Sheridan with Biaselli and David. 😉
No worries. My sources tell me the Trailer is coming next week 😉 (+Poster)
The Reddit answers seem to be about the modern DC Comics (2012-2016), that ended with the "Eternity War" storyarc. They do not say he is "connected ...
Since Revelation made a big point with having Skeletor be described as a Demon both in the intro and by himself, I personally hope they stick with it....
So far there has not been a 2002 MOTU Cartoon (Joseph LoDuca's) OST release.Mattel holds all the rights to the 2002 cartoon so they are the ones who c...
Yeah Nate would be a cool dude to ask about them.
That's a good question. All I know is that James mentioned that NBCUniversal were aware of it in the time leading up to the finished project. That's w...
Licensing and distribution rights would matter in this case. Hence the Eternia Collection was only released in Germany. Making it into an Internationa...
LMAO It's just absurd overall. James is and was not making any profit from this fan project. NBCUniversal was aware of it, as James did showcase i...
One thing to note. Mattel never came after James in regards to "The Return of Faker". That's all on NBCUniversal/Dreamworks.
So far when MOTU Comics have been done through Dark Horse, the 4-issue miniseries looks to be the staple. So I think that is the most likely route... ...