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@durendal I like the 40th Skeletor but I understand why you think he looks goofy. His head looks like a mix of the 80s vintage figure and the cartoon.
I think it won awards so I am surprised you didn't like it. What did you tweet that they agreed with?
Welcome and a He-Man and She-Ra pinball machine would be pretty neat!
That would be scary and not in a good way.
@zarius If you like horror try the Immortal Hulk series one day. They made Hulk scary it was so good!
Skeletor? Or Jeff Goldblum? {laugh}:adam:
I like her dedication to Teela!
Yes! Yes! Eva Green would of been perfect!
Here is a clip of her acting. Alison is a good actress but she may be a little too mousy to be Lyn. Out of Betty Gilpin and Alison I kind of thin...
Did you get to meet Orko & She-Ra & He-Man & Blade?
Ha I didn't know so I had to look him up. Burger King predates Randor. He was invented in the 1950s. Here is a 1977 commercial with him in it ...
😂 People are going to yell at me but I like the idea of the first Eternians being from Earth.
@thedoctor The last ten minutes made me cheer!
I would be so hyped for a He-Man and Thundercats crossover cartoon and have a geekgasm watching Lion-O and He-Man fighting side by side with the sword...