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I love those custom troopers and Lubic is jacked. He fits right in on Eternia.
If I was there I would of been like
@admin The problem is Mattel forgot to include his bike.
@caliban {laugh}:adam:
@lurker-man They quickly removed the He-Man parody they were selling.
@zarius Are you getting Winter Soldier vibes like I am? God I hope it is that good. This is the poster. By the way I have no idea how a punch from Red...
But we are young at heart!
The Moss is the Boss.
@abaddon Geldor looks too much like Paul Teutu to me from Orange County Choppers to take seriously 😂
@yen1893 I wonder if the Snake Men is supposed to be a major part of the next Kevin Smith series and that is why Masterverse hasn't done any snakes ye...
@adam_prince-of-eternia You seem to come in so hot all the time like you are looking for an argument. We are all on the same side friend.
It can't be all practical. They have to erase Skeletor's nose.