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@zarius Are you getting Winter Soldier vibes like I am? God I hope it is that good. This is the poster. By the way I have no idea how a punch from Red Hulk doesn't send Cap-Falcon flying back.
I get the vibe it's a more promising set up. I did dig the Falcon/Soldier mini-series (Especially for that Zemo rave scene!), though honestly found Sam's Cap outfit rather silly looking rofl.
@zarius Are you getting Winter Soldier vibes like I am? God I hope it is that good. This is the poster. By the way I have no idea how a punch from Red Hulk doesn't send Cap-Falcon flying back.
I get the vibe it's a more promising set up. I did dig the Falcon/Soldier mini-series (Especially for that Zemo rave scene!), though honestly found Sam's Cap outfit rather silly looking rofl.
Lol it is no worse than Chris Evan's outfit in Avengers.

@zarius I thought that show had potential but then it collapsed under a woke agenda and boring-ass villains.
So I watched it and it was a great movie! I would give it a 8 out of 10. Very solid. The performances were great. The action scenes were great. It was just a fun movie all around and Harrison Ford didn't phone it in like I expected. I really liked it.Â
@asterstar I liked it too. It's not Endgame but it's not bad either. I don't get the hate.
Brave New World is a fun movie.
It is much better than I thought it was going to be, and WAY better than what the social-media goons would have you believe.
I'm pretty strict with my MCU ratings system (life-long comic geek), so I would place BNW somewhere around a 6.5/10... (when I was expecting to give it a 3/10 based on early reveals, multiple reshoots, four different writers, and major script changes.)
It is nowhere near as bad as Quantumania, Love & Thunder, or Iron Man 3... so that makes it theater worthy in my book.
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
It was fine. It was not good. It was not bad. It was just fine. I was expecting it to be bad based on all of the reports of re-writes, re-shoots, and test screenings. But there was no evidence of those problems. It was a tightly-written and -edited film.Â
@adam_prince-of-eternia I fell asleep for a good 20 minutes lol. That says a lot. I’ll say this much, they should have just retired Cap and not passed the torch. Sam is a great side character, not a lead.
@adam_prince-of-eternia I fell asleep for a good 20 minutes lol. That says a lot. I’ll say this much, they should have just retired Cap and not passed the torch. Sam is a great side character, not a lead.
I agree Chris Evans is the best but was it that bad to make you fall asleep or were you already tired beforehand? Be honest.