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Mattel has transformed (with the power of Havoc apparently) their eleventh Masters of the Universe minicomic from their Origins toyline into a motion comic! And this time they are taking the opportunity to acknowledge Sun-Man and the Rulers of the Sun's 40th Anniversary! Now if you didn’t know, a motion comic is an animated comic that takes static comic art and combines it with animated elements, music, and sound effects. And what Mattel says is the latest comic they have transformed into a motion comic as a four decade long nod to Sun-Man, is the thrilling minicomic “Sun-Man Rises”. But…
We have the Power!
I'd prefer they would celebrate it with a new Sun Man Origins figure release with a head that is closer to the Masterverse version or that limited 3 pack instead of a comic they don't even get right. You know; kinda like actually putting some effort in it instead of what looks like a last minute afterthought.
This is what happens when you realize it's black history month too late and hand the task to the lowest paid intern!
Normally I would scoff at this but how would a professional make such an error? Stated quite simply they wouldn't.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron