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Ok, it does look really good ... but PLEASE, Mattel, throw us a bone with Prince Dakon, Masks of Power Demons, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper ... anyone w...
Genius! I'm 100% on board with this idea. 'The Clash of Arms' is one of my top 5 MOTU vintage mini-comics and I wanted to see something similar done w...
I certainly wouldn't be against Mattel releasing New Eternia versions of Stinkor, Spikor, Scareglow, Sorceress and Clamp Champ at some point. Especial...
Thanks for the heads up! Ordered!
If Mattel had released a Goat Man with Pig Boy 2-pack for Masterverse like they should've done already, they COULD have gifted him that. Or if they di...
So unless I've miscounted, there's 27 vintage figures left to go in Masterverse, which is admittedly closer than I thought we were. That's including r...
I'd go further and say they should use whatever armor and weapons molds they have left from Classics to do a Masterverse weapons pack or even just use...
@durendal As much as I love New Adventures, I agree. It's one of those factions that need to be sprinkled into waves.
Completely agree. I've been saying they should do this for a while now. It would also help out us Classics collectors that want a continuation of o...
Absolutely ridiculous. It really does look like Mattel has given up on the Princess of Power subline after 7 figures. Wow. What's next? 'New Pri...
This is a very good point. I did a search on ebay under completed listings for Vintage Collection Zodac and there's eff all on there. One website here...
YES!!! They should be amazing! So does anyone have any updates on this line? Mondo said around March we'd get some reveals ... and here we are. Hope...
Oh! I didn't notice those two things til I saw your comment! Gold weapons is weird but the die-cast recorder is ... cool, I guess ... ?
Can Classics come back now? I'm bored with all the other MOTU lines ... 🙄
Classics looked WAY better, but it's ok. Next!
I was hoping for a new head sculpt, but overall, I'm fine with it. Next!
Fantastic idea!
@mighty-thanos I'd be happy if this were one of the reveals.
@durendal I hope you're right. Gimme a handful of Masterverse reveals and I'll be happy. I miss the days of Classics reveals where I was always exc...
Yeah, it's only US $10, I'll give it a shot.
Maybe with this new iteration of 'Club Eternia' I'll get a chance at a Masks of Demons 2-pack for the New Eternia Masterverse line. But I have a feeli...
@onlyoneskeletor Yeah, I could see Mattel dropping Origins, Masterverse and Cartoon Collection in favour of a new MOTU line. A bit like what they did ...
Oh how I'd love for Masterverse to become a direct market line. Maybe AFTER the movie is done and dusted. The one figure in Masterverse that has gi...
@onlyoneskeletor It might not be the goal of the line (and yeah, I completely agree on that), but I'm hoping they somehow accidentally finish it! 😆 Bu...
Apart from Dragon Blaster Skelly, Ninjor is my other top want in NE, so I can't wait to see what he looks like. Having said that, I'm hoping we get ...