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Oh how I'd love for Masterverse to become a direct market line. Maybe AFTER the movie is done and dusted. The one figure in Masterverse that has gi...
@onlyoneskeletor It might not be the goal of the line (and yeah, I completely agree on that), but I'm hoping they somehow accidentally finish it! 😆 Bu...
Apart from Dragon Blaster Skelly, Ninjor is my other top want in NE, so I can't wait to see what he looks like. Having said that, I'm hoping we get ...
@yen1893 Glad the Snake men are finally arriving (kinda) in Masterverse.
@smitty-81 New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor is in my top 5 of wants in Masterverse. Super excited to see what he ends up looking like.
Two more figures for the inevitable movie Masterverse subline! 😆
Yeah, it's hard to beat the Classics version of Panthor. It's a great figure/mount. I will say I've wanted a Masterverse Panthor for a while now, but ...
Your list is 99% the same as mine. I'd just add Blast Attak.
Classics will always be my favourite MOTU line as I'm a sucker for the bulkiness, proportions, sculpts and paint apps. Having said that, I'll join ...
Most definitely! I'd love for some Classics weapons and accessories in different colours to be put in a weapons pack for Masterverse.
Not picking, but I cannot for the life of me see what comment I made that you're responding to! 😆 I agree with your points, though! I'm currently in...
@mighty-thanos I live in Australia and ordered from a place called Mash Toys. They shipped the day after I ordered! 🤯
Two of my Skelcons have arrived! 468844559_10165239602079199_3845301139013791277_n.jpg
I've been waiting for this guy to be put up for pre-order! Pre-ordered 4 of 'em!
This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but I wish there were subscriptions for Origins and Masterverse (separate for those that want to co...
So we've had Beast Woman teased twice, Masks of Power Demons teased, Tri-Klops' blue demons teased, Marlena in white astronaut outfit teased and Sorce...
Oh, I'd put money on it. 😏 I'll enjoy 'New Eternia' while I can before they flood Masterverse with the inevitable movie waves.
@durendal Yeah, releasing a Horde Trooper under 'New Eternia' is a prime example of this for sure. They've already released half the Horde under 'Prin...
He was ok. But I was a bit underwhelmed by the size of his chopping hand. Also, they've released two Beast Man figures in New Eternia now, so that doe...
@asterstar I get the feeling they'll release the snakes in 2025 through New Eternia as the next season of the Kevin Smith show appears to be on hold d...
If you've had enough of He-Man, Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Teela, Man-At-Arms variants in Masterverse now, wait until this movie comes out! 😆
A new review is always good. Something to pass the time while actioning work from home.
These are fun. Look forward to it, whatever it is.
I'll be interested to see in-hand reviews of this figure and comparisons with the Classics version. I've said it before, those head sculpts look ident...
@durendal Man, still super bummed we never got those two in Classics ... here's hoping you hardcore Origins collectors get 'em and aren't left wanting...