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@firmpulse I didn't notice that with the gun handle! Huh! Good eyes!
@he-mayon I love New Eternia too, but Durendal was talking about the arms and legs which are thinner than MOTU Classics. That's what my comment was in...
@durendal That's why you gotta squint harder! 😆
@durendal The same way Classics fans were blue balled over mini-comics Tri-Klops appearing on the back of the Power-con Trap Jaw/Prince Adam/Stratos 3...
@mighty-thanos Yeah, pretty sure the 'Vintage Collection' buck will have the beefier look ... the "squint hard enough and it almost looks like MOTU Cl...
@durendal Apparently he has lenticular/clear eyes like Mer-Man from New Eternia and a laser blast effect. Looks like his armor has a clear chest symbo...
@admin That is SO good. I'm very excited for this Skelcon release, just hope he isn't an exclusive.
@thedoctor Haha! I fell out of love with Masterverse for a while but then got suckered back in with new releases as Mattel improved their game. I feel...
If the Masterverse Vintage Collection turned out to be super popular, would you want to see it expand to include vintage era mini-comics characters li...
Agreed. I love Mer-Man and all, but there's only so many I can take.
I'd hazard a guess and say they've let Mondo do this line because it focuses on 200X, something Mattel probably doesn't want to touch again. Just a gu...
@brasco Oh yeah, I'm SUPER excited about the 6 inch line!
This is VERY exciting news! I didn't realize the scale at first, then realized it was 6 inches ... CLASSICS scale!!!! As someone that was a MOTUC co...
@samuel Fingers crossed!
If I ever pull this figure out of the package, that mask is staying on.
Yeah, I love this one! Great figure!
I totally agree. I know I'm in the minority, but I'm underwhelmed by this figure.
Looks really cool!
Classics mold Hover Bot confirmed! Screenshot taken from this youtube vid:
Well, well, well ... it's the Classics mold for the Hover Bot that comes with the Origins Horde Trooper Prime figure! Classics is BACK, baby (kinda, n...