@longtooth this bothers me a lot too. I remember walking home from the bus stop as a kid and my parents never had to worry. Now it seems like the creepers have quadrupled and I can’t let my kids out of my sight. Also the fact that they are forcing certain agendas on our kids instead of letting them make up their own minds. I’m going to stop or else I won’t stop.
When does it stop. When will it stop. That is my fear. What will this world look like in 50 years if we are not wiped out first by corrupt and power hungry war mongers or by lab engineered viruses.
I am delighted Summer is over and that I can rest and recuperate in Autumn and get back to proper living in Winter. 😀Â
Supreme Fan OfThe Go-Go's&The Bangles! Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan! Social Justice Warrior! DC Comics Fan!
@longtooth this bothers me a lot too. I remember walking home from the bus stop as a kid and my parents never had to worry. Now it seems like the creepers have quadrupled and I can’t let my kids out of my sight. Also the fact that they are forcing certain agendas on our kids instead of letting them make up their own minds. I’m going to stop or else I won’t stop.
When does it stop. When will it stop. That is my fear. What will this world look like in 50 years if we are not wiped out first by corrupt and power hungry war mongers or by lab engineered viruses.
I worry as well.... and I pray for my daughter as she grows up in this nonsense.
I am loving the cooler weather at this minute. 😀Â
Supreme Fan OfThe Go-Go's&The Bangles! Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan! Social Justice Warrior! DC Comics Fan!
@brasco east coast earthquakes are the scariest. On the west coast there's a major fault line that's very active so thers a consistent release of pressure. The east coast is less active so therse more built up pressure making for a bigger release. Granted there's most likely more to it than just that so I could be completely wrong.
@smitty-81 well my wife was in the shower and my daughter ran in there screaming. I work closer to the eastern end of the island so I didn’t feel it. Last one we had I was a kid in the 80’s
@he-dad that’s bc it’s rare here and we’re not used to it
Agreed. The first time I ever felt one was just after September 11. I was living in VA and was unaware that there was a fault line that ran down the cental part of the state. It was pretty unnerving.Â
The best advice I ever had on marriage is that when you are having a heated discussion, one of you has to reach out and hold the other's hand throughout the discussion. Â It's a difficult thing to do, but it changes the entire dynamic of the heated discussion, reminding both partner of what they have together.
The only thing more complicated than a human being is two humans beings in love...
@he-dad most married couples go through rough patches. Spending a lot of time together together can do that. Like when my wife chews with her mouth open and sounds like a cow I want to punch her. I don’t actually do it but it crosses my mind haha. Try to look at the positives and hope they outweigh the negatives