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Looks like the Rangers are going to blow a 3-0 lead. SMH
@he-dad most married couples go through rough patches. Spending a lot of time together together can do that. Like when my wife chews with her mouth open and sounds like a cow I want to punch her. I don’t actually do it but it crosses my mind haha. Try to look at the positives and hope they outweigh the negatives
My mouth chews with her mouth closed so maybe we are not as bad off as I thought. 🤣 Thanks bro. In addition to the counseling we are going to focus less on the kids and more on us once a week. Go out to dinner. See a movie. That kind of stuff. Try to get back to where we were.
Early drop today for Episode Eleven at
You'll have a laugh seeing my "hairstyle". The story is that I had to rush out of the shower and tape the video the because Kim had an appointment. Hence the swept back look.
Anyway, it's a really fun episode, getting into some of the social aspects of being a successful writer in L.A. 😉
My bad. We had a glitch. Episode 11's up now at
So Episode 12 dropped, tracing my ascent to being the Care Bears story editor. True story and, in the bargain, pretty hilarious. Welcome to the entertainment industry. Heads roll and your sides ache. :). >
Episode 13 has dropped, wherein I talk about writing "The Novel" and my surprising advice about writing horror novels, of which I've written two:
Episode 14 has dropped at
A very different kind of episode. Buckle your seatbelts. It'll have an impact...
Happy National Gingerbread Day everyone! Make some gingerbread cookies and celebrate! 😋
So Episode Sixteen of A Writer’s Life has dropped at and I’ve got a hunch you’re gonna love it!
I’m back talking about my career in animation at DIC Entertainment during the Golden Era of Television Animation – the 1980s. In this episode I’m going to start introducing you to some of the characters I lived with every day during my yeas at DIC. But no, I’m not talking about Heathcliff the Cat or Inspector Gadget or the Power Rangers. I’m talking about the real life characters I worked with every day at DIC. And trust me, they were every bit as fascinating, compelling and often amusing as Mario, Luigi, He-Man and Hello Kitty!
Today’s episode covers Howard Cohen, a large-than-life story editor at DIC who had a fabled career even before he came to DIC, directing films for legendary Hollywood B-films producer Roger Corman. I guess it was inevitable Howard and I would clash swords, but I think the outcome will surprise you.
I hope you enjoy the episode. 🙂
Here we are with Episode 17, dropping at
We’re getting back to the elements of writing, for a brief respite from my career in animation. In this episode all you future bestselling authors – or those who admire them – are going to learn how they do it, through their characters, getting in touch with their own feelings and also their characters’ feelings.
And I think you’ll be a little surprised and maybe even shocked when I give you some tips about how to achieve that.
Episode 20 has dropped at and my life at DIC Entertainment is changing in a number of ways. Come with me now, back 1984, to learn more about how the television business works and how a television production company works.
Oh it’s all very exciting…until your show is coming to an end, as Care Bears was for me. I’d ridden the high road, but I recall that line from Wall Street when a broker tells Charlie Sheen’s Buddy Fox “You’re on a roll, kid. Enjoy it while it lasts…because it never does.”
Fortunately, as I’d learn, when you’re good at what you do and you do it fast, there’s someone to catch you when you’re about to fall…at least for the time being.
Check it out in this episode and find out what baseball has to do with it!
Episode 21 has dropped at And things are going very smoothly for me, Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats at DIC Entertainment.
In this episode I make a big decision when it comes to how I’m going to handle being a story editor at DIC. And I get to meet a whole cadre of new writers for this new series I’m working on.
I’m in the infancy of working on Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats when I come to a pretty startling realization about why this series is different from any other in animation…and why I like it so much.
I hope you enjoy the latest episode, and, just for fun, go back and view a couple of earlier ones.
My marriage counseling is going okay and things have improved a little. We are more patient with each other and the stupid fights weve been having is decreased. We still don't have anything to talk about during date nights. The silence gets awkward and sometimes we wish our kids were there or they had TV in the restaurant. 🤣
It is important to have shared interests because that, in turn, gives you something to share and "talk about" on date nights. It doesn't matter if it's golfing together, working out together, cooking together, taking a foreign language class together, joining a church study group together. Scrapbooking together is a great outlet and the tangential benefit is that you get to look at phots that remind you of great memories and good times together. The operative word is "together". It also helps if you have a likeminded couple to sometimes join you on date nights because they will help too taker up the slack in those moments of "awkward silence".
That said, it seems to me that you're on the right path. Take it slow and build. Remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. It looks like you've taken yours. Keep at it, build upon it. And every couple of days text your wife a couple of hearts, with no other written message, just to let her know you are thinking about her. She will be surprised and touched.
When Kim and I were first dating -- I was living in the Bahamas and she was living in Kansas City -- after a great weekend in Nassau, she sent me a small bouquet of flowers to thank me for the weekend. No one had ever sent me flowers before. It's over a quarter of a century ago and not a week goes by that I don't think about it. Small, kind gestures mean a lot.
Good luck to you both.
@he-dad good to hear. You know, that’s what I worry about when my kids are older and out of the house. Just silence between us since by that time we will probably have told the same stories a dozen times haha
Someone told me to pretend it's our first date. Like seriously role play and pretend we don't have kids or all this history. I might try it. 😂
Episode 22 has dropped at
Buckle your seatbelts because we’re going to cover a lot of ground in this installment as I jam on story editing Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats scripts. Those two series are going sooooooo smoothly, it’s almost like I’m riding on greased rails.
With everyone for Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats on track, Lori Crawford throws me an unexpected but most pleasant curveball. And speaking of curveballs, separately, we’ll revisit DIC Entertainment’s softballs team with yours truly on the pitcher’s mound again the vaunted Warner’s softball team. And you’re not gonna believe who I have to pitch to at home plate!
Happy 4th of July! I'm lighting some fireworks tonight!
Episode 23 has dropped early <because we’re getting ready for our annual 4th of July Party. So Happy 4th to one and all.
This was the most difficult episode I’ve recorded and, truth be told, it was hard for me to get through it and I came close to losing it a few times because I’m talking about a real body blow I took as a writer and a huge challenge I faced because of it.
Still, when I started this Vlog I promised I’d tell you about all sides of my writer’s life and that what I’ve done in this installment. It took a lot out of me to record it and I hope you enjoy it.
And along the way you’ll meet true Animation Royalty. It’s funny how, sometimes, the Lord sends you exactly what you need at the exact moment you need it….
Hot Mustard Doritos ITS LIFE CHANGING🔥 🥵 😋 😍 ♥️ 👌
Episode 25 has dropped at and I want to ask everyone who’s been following my Vlog to please check out this one because I’m asking for interaction with all of you.
You’re also going to learn about my least favorite animated series I ever worked on. It’s weird, it’s wacky and, lo and behold, even though it started out as my least favorite, I got one heckuva lot out of it.
Got about half the parts I need to put together my PC for 3D modelling and animation. Hopefully I get everything together by autumn.
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Episode 26 has dropped at
After briefly explaining the one reason why Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats was a truly groundbreaking animated series, I’m taking a bit of a break from talking about animation so I can focus on the process of writing – specifically writing novels.
Yeah, I know not everyone thinks they’re interested in that, but I also think once you go on the ride and see how writers – or at least this writer – write novels, you’ll enjoy the trip.