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Dont really like none of them, but would say the Horde on is the best. No way in hell, picking another lame ass looking figure based on the look of la...
According to her it should be - Masters of the Comedic Universe.
Fuck Mattel. Only one can be purchased by members. Since this is a she ra figure , i will need 3 of them. Now have to pay extra shipping, and hope the...
Congrats on the role of Goatman, we gift you the UGLIEST Heman ever. Now f off goatman.
They were up a couple minutes early. Order Megan Bayne She Ra for daughter, and Faker for myself. I only collect Na, and movie figures, and Faker (not...
@smitty-81 That’s crazy talk!
I want to like this line, but know they will package them with all that nonsense that they are wearing. Its like Karl Havoc. IMG_0512.jpeg
I hope if we do get the giants, they do them right. Not like the Andre the giant we got in the motu/wwe line.
Nice flesh colored hand you got there.
Mattel forever boner for Snakemen. You think with how they got turned down on that Lair, they would be limp by now. NO MEANS NO, MATTEL!!!
I feel ashamed watching this.
why would a yearly 10 bucks be the KEY to getting deep cuts? I could see monthly fee doing that, but yearly? No, there’s something else behind this an...
Why be excited for this. This is just using creations site with a fee. What is the difference of them offering a figure on there regularly like Rio ...
Seems like a quick cash grab. They offer nothing, the people who will buy the figures from this club would buy the figures from plain creations. So wh...
I would like just the helmets in a slightly bigger scale( not huge) for display. They were always my favorite thing from the line, always loved drawin...
Is this their way of getting back the money they wasted on that rigged voting outcome prototype no one wants? Pay a fee, to be able to pay for toys,...
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, and with same ugly face sculpt too!
Theres gonna be plenty of derp with HeMans face.
Throwing around the word brilliant this early, is odd. Hoping for a good movie is one thing, but its gonna be brilliant, because you seen a guy who lo...
Got 1 box out of 2 from bbts today ( of course they were shipped same time, and other box went west instead if east) 2- necro cartoon collection ...
Prince Adam wearing an apple watch. Oh boy! That fifth pic, ACTING!!! He looks like he has a touch of the downs.
No thank you. This movie has enough going against it, it doesn’t need him and his stupid voices he does.
He looks so … derpy is the nicest way not to offend. Teela on the other hand, scrumdiddlyumptious.
Finally! And bring the variants too!
New PREORDERS up. Ordered 2x invisible skeletor, 2x buzz off, 3x frosta.