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@sci-fitsunami I could have predicted that. They teased the Blade figure last year at ComicCon.
Yeah, the TMNT might not work as well within the Masterverse aesthetic, however the ThunderCats have always had a much leaner build - similar to Mattel's MV buck - so I could see the TC showing up in the MV line if it lasts longer than Mattel hopes.
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
I finally got my Origins Rio Blast today and boy do I want him in Masterverse. I'm not really into Origins, I'm just finishing up the Vintage Collection. Masterverse is my main thing & it's really sad how Origins got all the love & attention while Masterverse has turned into a variant line. Constantly making the same characters over & over again. Masterverse will probably never see any of the special releases Origins got like Fang-Or, Lady Slither, Skeleton Warriors, Necro Conda, Terroar, Lord Grasp or things like the Diabolical Snake 4-pack. I'd be surprised if Masterverse ever finished all of the original 80s line characters.
Idiotic Walmart just canceled my order for the Masterverse vintage Zodac and Skeletor, which I placed LAST OCTOBER. The email said it was due to a payment error which I know is complete B.S. because I use the same card for everything. What is even the point anymore with stupid Walmart. I LOATHE them. I'd rather just go to ebay and pay higher prices than deal with them ever again.
Idiotic Walmart just canceled my order for the Masterverse vintage Zodac and Skeletor, which I placed LAST OCTOBER. The email said it was due to a payment error which I know is complete B.S. because I use the same card for everything. What is even the point anymore with stupid Walmart. I LOATHE them. I'd rather just go to ebay and pay higher prices than deal with them ever again.
That's why everybody callls them "Pre-Cancels" instead of "Pre-Orders". The only way I will order from Walmart is if it's in stock & ready to ship.
Are these Vintage Collection figures officially Walmart exclusives?
We all really need to complain to Mattel about Walmart. Target is great with their exclusives but something needs to be done about Walmart. Walmart is pretty sh*t for being one of the largest retailers. How can they be so bad with all the money they rake in? I'll probably never be able to get ToG Mer-Man thanks to Walmart.
We can complain all we want, they will always have their hands down Mattel’s pants. I stopped preordering from Walmart years ago and wait for another online retailer to sell the item I want.
Idiotic Walmart just canceled my order for the Masterverse vintage Zodac and Skeletor, which I placed LAST OCTOBER. The email said it was due to a payment error which I know is complete B.S. because I use the same card for everything. What is even the point anymore with stupid Walmart. I LOATHE them. I'd rather just go to ebay and pay higher prices than deal with them ever again.
They canceled mine too and there was no payment error. Walmart is the worst.
I'd be surprised if Masterverse ever finished all of the original 80s line characters.
Me too. Admittedly, they have gotten fairly far already in NE. But in the end, we'll surely see a couple of gaps, especially towards the "later" releases in the vintage line. What I fully expect are various Snakemen characters; someone over at Mattel just seems to love their Snakemen ^^
@depp76 Hey bro, if you or anybody else still want to buy vintage collection Skeletor, you can do it here :
This is Spanish online store...prices are good, they ship all over the world...I bought a lot of figures from them
Thank you!! 👍@depp76 Hey bro, if you or anybody else still want to buy vintage collection Skeletor, you can do it here :
This is Spanish online store...prices are good, they ship all over the world...I bought a lot of figures from them
@depp76 Turtles of Grayskull called, their Hordak forgot his ooze arm cannon.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
That's why everybody callls them "Pre-Cancels" instead of "Pre-Orders". The only way I will order from Walmart is if it's in stock & ready to ship.
Even then, it's a gamble.
Many folks have had supposed in-stock items canceled as well. 🙁
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
MV feels done to me. These 3 new reveals are so lame.
Well, if "Triumph" could ever materialize, it would embrace this new She-Ra design, she really looks somptuous to me.
Terror Claws Skeletor did indeed terrify me at first glance (though perhaps not in an efficient way), as his protective visor sort of threw me off before I realized its possible practicality. As for this New Eternia Hordak, he's exactly what I hoped he would be, a subtle new detail that adds to the nature of the Horde's leader. I can't wait to see if the rumors about the upcoming Ninjor and Kobra Khan are true, though...
Yikes, looks like She-ra inherited her brother’s Masterverse face sculpt curse.
That She-ra is supposed to be what? Kinda like the vintage toy?
I was hoping they’d do better with Terror Claws… articulated fingers, rework the “sports bra” look, something cool with the mech white dragon piece, etc.
And snooze on that Hordak. The boots are bad, the rest is boring. After recent ToG and CC Hordaks, this one is just m’eh.
Hoping Khan, Ninjor, and the first non-Revolution/Revelation Teela are all home runs…
Masterverse didn’t come to play this year at Toy Fair.
Yep, that She-Ra is supposed to be her vintage toy look. I can see it better with this pic...
@depp76 the description mattel sent out says "New Eternia".
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Yep, and it states "based on the vintage toy look".@depp76 the description mattel sent out says "New Eternia".
It actually says 'New Etheria', you know, because Masterverse really needs to start a new subline it'll never finish.
That She-ra pic looks better than what was on display. Hopefully, the pic is closer to production than the figure they showed at Toy Fair.
Not loving it, but it is unique. A proper vintage style She-ra should have a soft goods skirt.
I was thinking they might have even given her rooted hair. 😂