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@motuoriginscork There have always been countries that Mattel Creations wouldn't ship to. Most of them were either low population centers, troubled ar...
@daavid I like it. I think this would of been the better approach. Eatock could have worked with a real industry writer and animator. Eatock would be ...
True. It would have been better to use the whole landscape of the card and add the numbers on top but I still like it.
Cards with the Golden Book art has my interest. I hope Mattel doesn't go the lazy route and repeat the artwork across the suits.
@lurker-man I think this will be sold on the Mattel Creations site.
I need to revisit this.
@firefly Wikipedia is like that but Wiki Grayskull is different.
I finally rewatched Godfather 3. I am astonished it was directed by the same man who directed the first two movies. Just awful.
I did. It's one of those superior episodes I watch often.
Half the episodes, half the pages?
When does it stop. When will it stop. That is my fear. What will this world look like in 50 years if we are not wiped out first by corrupt and power h...
I like this idea. This was my hope for Revelation when I first heard they were making a sequel to the classic cartoon. To see the original animation m...
I can't sleep. I find myself worrying a lot about the future for our children and grandchildren.
Life was simpler when it was just five channels and the Neilson ratings.
Zal-Kron is not new to MOTU.
What a fusion of parts.
Like He-Dad said the Eternia I know from Filmation is very progressive. I don't even believe being born on Earth would stop her from ruling in that ca...
@ruxtowntingler It was a fan comic and a very good one. The whole comic is in his facebook photo gallery
@owenmorton MOTU always had that special something.