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Mattel has transformed (with the power of Grayskull) their seventh Masters of the Universe minicomic from their Origins toyline into a motion comic! If you didn’t know, a motion comic is an animated comic that takes static comic art and combines it with animated elements, music, and sound effects. And the latest comic Mattel has adapted…
We have the Power!
After seeing the beheading of one of the Fakers I proclaimed out loud this is not your father's mini comic!
Fun fact: this mini comic makes reference to the pseudo-mini comic that came with the He-Man and Prince Adam two pack.Â
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
This to me is one of the best mini-comics. I love this story as it hints that Adam may have the strength in him and may be able to access it without a transformation. I'm also a big fan of the Filmation Adam and this helps to re-inforce that version of the character as the definitive. The transformation between Adam and He-Man is just clothing and a tan in Filmation. (Magical muscles that appear and disappear are lame-keep Adam swole.)