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Her face is perfect. Too bad her mask is shaped weirdly at the bottom. It should frame her face in the "up" position, but it's like it was sculpted mo...
Could someone please say the American Walmart item number or SKU number for the Cartoon Collection Hordak? All I ask is that. Just that. It woul...
Shadow Weaver and Glizzor - wow! Nice. Interested to see how they came out. ...I just hope they don't neglect the Rebels, which will be a harder...
Gee, thanks Sam. For real though, having these item numbers would really help me out. My gratitude to whomever takes the time during their next Walm...
Awww dangit. I can't read that label to save my life! The picture is too blurry. I need visible numbers here people! 😄😅
Could you please tell me what their Walmart item number is?? Or SKU? For She-Ra and Mantenna? It should say on the shelf sticker. It'd really help m...
Oh I was never *not* going to get her 🙂 I just wish she was better designed. I thought these were supposed to end up at Walmarts?
ADORA!!! Can it be...after so long? I am losing my mind over the beautiful card art!!! And Catra's face at least looks pretty and stern, l...
I don't want to be negative...because I AM glad she exists finally... ...but the skirt, torso and face and hair and cape could all be easily improv...
Kinda surprised thet stuck poor Mantenna with a stick out the back of his head. Pretty clunky!
Sigh. I honestly AM excited for the Horde members we've seen - except Catra, who also looks to have a "meh" headsculpt, though the photos haven't be...
*shrugs* Look at CC Teela. Look at CC Evil Lyn. Now look at the vague, soft, generic face of the namesake character of an entire brand. Matt...
Guys, I am legit depressed about this. I really wanted to think they'd do better by She-Ra. *shakes head*
Well.......packaging pics are online now. Lame Filmation She-Ra from SDCC is exactly what we're getting. No changes. 😠 Thanks for the bare b...
As nice as the packaging, does this figure scream "minimal effort only". The face is generic, her skirt once again gets in the way of art...
I still don't have Optikk but he is cool. I remember when the NA Classics would sell for 15$ cuz nobody really wanted them. Randor too!
I would! As a before and after! Like how people do with Adam and He-Man 🙂
They should see it as feasible. Catra is hugely popular - to many the main POP baddie. Putting her in a two-pack with her proper panther form would ha...
I wonder how long they actually hold on to those's been years since Mattel made MOTUC. And they stopped making it, gave up on the brand, a...
Thrilled to hear about Frosta and Leech!! But seriously, I need good faces on the female She-Ra characters. Ok Mattel?
She does? Whoops. ☺ Ok, I never found her in store.
It's weirdly frustrating. Hordak looks good, but he's not exactly a hard figure to pull off. Vultak and Mantena look good... ...but the girls. The...
Her face is almost as ugly as the original Origins She-Ra. 😔
I..... Sigh. I am so disappointed in the sculpting of Filmation She-Ra. It all just screams "minimal effort". Are those the Maste...