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Evil Warriors unite! The Hollywood Reporter has just announced the casting of four major roles in the upcoming "Masters of the Universe" movie from Amazon MGM Studios and Mattel Films: SKELETOR, TRAP JAW, TRI-KLOPS and GOAT MAN! Yes Skeletor and three of his henchman will be played by no one other than actors Jared Leto (Skeletor), Sam C. Wilson (Trap Jaw), Hafthor Bjornsson (Goat Man) and Kojo Attah (Tri-Klops). From left to right: Hafthor Bjornsson (Goat Man), Sam C. Wilson (Trap Jaw), Jared Leto (Skeletor) and Kojo Attah (Tri-Klops). Here is the official report: The list of villains cast for…
We have the Power!
It's like I said before. Everyone shits on Leto but I see him as a damn good actor. He'll make a good eccentric Skeletor. Now the other three jokers I know nothing about.
It's like I said before. Everyone shits on Leto but I see him as a damn good actor. He'll make a good eccentric Skeletor. Now the other three jokers I know nothing about.
As I said before I hated his Joker, but I thought his performance in Haunted Mansion was a good villain. If played along those lines it could work for Skeletor.
Goat Man was not a figure in the 1980s. Back then he was featured only once in the Golden Book "Secret of the Dragon's Egg" and then released 2014 as MotU Classics figure:
He was also shown a little bit in the Revelation/Revolution cartoon on Netflix.
That Hafthor guy is gigantic but Goat Man? Really? I hope they know what they are doing .
@brain77 MOTU is more than the toys you grew up with. Stop gatekeeping.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
The best thing to take out of this is we are definitely getting a new He-Man movie.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
This is really happening! I am so excited. I have 18 months to get my costume made because you know I am showing up opening night as She-Ra!
@brain77 the general attitude of your post suggest that if it's not vintage, it's no good, which is gatekeeping.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 You're being like a jerk to me. I thought it was a typo. I thought they meant Beast Man. I never knew about Goat Man until now.
@brain77 strengthen your resolve Brian. I was just pointing out the attitude of your post, the phrasing, the words you chose to use made it sound like you were gatekeeping.Yeah, if you're not apologize for coming off the wrong way and we can move on.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@brain77 strengthen your resolve Brian. I was just pointing out the attitude of your post, the phrasing, the words you chose to use made it sound like you were gatekeeping.Yeah, if you're not apologize for coming off the wrong way and we can move on.
I said this.
Goat Man? I don't remember that figure when I was a kid. That man is massive. Maybe they meant Beast Man?
There was no attitude. There is no problem with my phrasing. Me apologize? I am not apologizing for anything. You are being a dick and I am not apologizing for that either.
@smitty-81 I am not taking sides but I am not seeing that stuff you see in his comment. Maybe you read it wrong.

I don't remember that figure when I was a kid.
It's that comment right there.That part of your statement suggests a complete disconnect from everything outside of the vintage toy line. Goat man even had a speaking role in Masters of the Universe Revelation. His presence in that show was discussed online. If you were unfamiliar with the character because you just got into the online phantom, that's fine.But saying, I don't remember him is totally different than saying.Who is this character.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
I do wonder how someone who's enough of a MOTU fan to bother creating an account to discuss this hobby with other fans on a MOTU specific forum could not, despite being a fairly obscure character, have at least heard of Goat Man at some point in the past 40 years...
Very interesting choice for Skeletor, I like the casting of Jared Leto. I think he's a great actor, I just hope he looks "big" enough in whatever wardrobe they design for him.
I do wonder how someone who's enough of a MOTU fan to bother creating an account to discuss this hobby with other fans on a MOTU specific forum could not, despite being a fairly obscure character, have at least heard of Goat Man at some point in the past 40 years...
I am a TMNT groupie that also liked He-Man toys as a kid. When Turtles of Grayskull came out I started reconnecting with He-Man. Is that good enough for you or you going to decide I am not a real fan?