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Palace Guard
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@kraken It comes as / instead of the CC artifact in this case. Of course it’s small, but I think it’s an inspired choice that makes the most sense.

It is too small yes, but if it were bigger, you’d need to make it an actual 2-set, like with Cringer. I guess they didn’t see that as feasible.

Smitty.81 reacted
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They should see it as feasible. Catra is hugely popular - to many the main POP baddie. Putting her in a two-pack with her proper panther form would have been badass.

That small little thing is useless. 

Do we have pictures of Leech and Frosta yet?

So bummed it seems like we're stuck with that face on CC She-Ra if she's already up for preorder 🙁

Samuel reacted
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@disneyboy Still not convinced that this face is final. Remember plenty of figures are still being sold using their prototype (Mutated He-Man with no translucency, Scare Glow was also a painted prototype,…)

The photos with a black background are usually done with the real figures. We haven’t seen any of those of She-Ra yet. Of course anything is possible, but hope springs eternal!

(And I still will gladly display the little Catra panther 😊).

DisneyBoy reacted
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Posted by: @disneyboy

They should see it as feasible. Catra is hugely popular - to many the main POP baddie. Putting her in a two-pack with her proper panther form would have been badass.

That small little thing is useless. 

Do we have pictures of Leech and Frosta yet?

So bummed it seems like we're stuck with that face on CC She-Ra if she's already up for preorder 🙁

I haven't seen a Leech or Frosta yet but a Catra two pack with her purple panther form like the Adam and Cringer two pack would have been neat. The only problem is they can't be displayed together. I mean you can but it doesn’t make much sense.


DisneyBoy reacted
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I would! As a before and after! Like how people do with Adam and He-Man 🙂

Royal Guard
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So, are we ever going to get Necro Conda???  This is getting ridiculous now.

Captain of the Guards
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@sci-fitsunami did BBTS change the release date? The 3rd quarter doesn't end until next month. And it's doing better than Super7's Ultimate Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo.

Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025

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@sci-fitsunami But he's NOT VINTAGE!!!!!! 🤣

Royal Guard
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Yeah, but it's been like a year since he was revealed. Just release the damn thing already. Jeez! 🙄 The only MOTU figure I'm looking forward to & they can't even release the damned thing.


Posted by: @durendal

@sci-fitsunami But he's NOT VINTAGE!!!!!! 🤣

He's not Filmation!

He's not Turtles Of Grayskull!

Vypor, Lord Grasp, Terroar, Reptilax & Necro Conda all go into the VINTAGE COLLECTION. 😍 👍 


Palace Guard
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Demo Man on Mattel Creations 9/25.

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@depp76 I really hope they don't biff his mini comic.

Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025

Royal Guard
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Well.......packaging pics are online now.

Lame Filmation She-Ra from SDCC is exactly what we're getting. No changes.



Thanks for the bare bones approach to her likeness Mattel.

Palace Guard
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It's a really crappy photo of her so it's hard to see her facial features.  Why are these leaked photos always so bad?  Anyways she's not really giving Filmation in my opinion from what I can see.  We shall see.  

Palace Guard
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@depp76 It's because the source of the pics is a Instagram video where the packaging is spun in a stupid circle. These cc releases only have a front and a back. Why waste everyone's time spinning it?

Depp76 reacted
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Posted by: @depp76

Demo Man on Mattel Creations 9/25.

It says "Origins Core Demo Man". Is that what they are calling the vintage line these days? Origins Core?


Royal Guard
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Guys, I am legit depressed about this.


I really wanted to think they'd do better by She-Ra.


*shakes head*

Royal Guard
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@disneyboy You are really that upset with how she looks? I think She-Ra looks good. She looks more like Filmation She-Ra to me than CC He-Man looks like Filmation He-Man.

Royal Guard
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Look at CC Teela. Look at CC Evil Lyn.

Now look at the vague, soft, generic face of the namesake character of an entire brand.


Mattel just...doesn't bring their A Game with her.


Yeah, I'm bummed out.

Palace Guard
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@disneyboy The screenshots we have of packaged She-Ra, from a rotating video, are still blurry and low-rez and behind plastic. Still hard to tell.🤞 

But I worry you won’t accept anything but perfection. It’s a 2D toon in 3D, it’s not easy… to be perfect.

Origins “vintage” and CC is full of compromises, mistakes and non-perfect things (CC Teela’s head / face is too small, e.g.) I could tell you without thinking 20 mistakes / flaws of CC and “vintage”. And have you seen Masterverse He-Man heads? It’s how it is with Mattel.

We may have this *perfect* imagination in our heads, and especially when it comes to beauty, it’ll always turn out a bit differently in reality. I hope you’ll be able to find joy with these releases nevertheless. 🖖

Samuel and Depp76 reacted
Royal Guard
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I honestly AM excited for the Horde members we've seen - except Catra, who also looks to have a "meh" headsculpt, though the photos haven't been clear there either - and Octavia and Sea Hawk being on the packaging is VERY good news...

...but I just wanted to see them make smart decisions for once with how they designed her. The Classics versions were both marred by weird heads and poor skirts.

Even this one's boots are huge.

Would have been so nice to just pick her up and smile and say "wow - they finally did it!"

But you're right - look at Lyn with her weird skin tone and no cape. And He-Man's face was definitely not a homerun for everyone.

When you wait so long for something, you just want it to be right.

Cosmic reacted
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The problem is no CC figure will ever be perfect. Trying to turn a collection of 2 dimensional drawings into a 3 dimensional and making it look exactly the same is impossible, especially at this small a size.

Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025

Cosmic reacted
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Posted by: @cosmic

@disneyboy The screenshots we have of packaged She-Ra, from a rotating video, are still blurry and low-rez and behind plastic. Still hard to tell.🤞 

But I worry you won’t accept anything but perfection. It’s a 2D toon in 3D, it’s not easy… to be perfect.

Origins “vintage” and CC is full of compromises, mistakes and non-perfect things (CC Teela’s head / face is too small, e.g.) I could tell you without thinking 20 mistakes / flaws of CC and “vintage”. And have you seen Masterverse He-Man heads? It’s how it is with Mattel.

We may have this *perfect* imagination in our heads, and especially when it comes to beauty, it’ll always turn out a bit differently in reality. I hope you’ll be able to find joy with these releases nevertheless. 🖖

I like it. This is a great attitude to have.


Cosmic reacted
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What they also do with the CC designs, is “Origin”-ize the look in some ways. It shows on MEF’s big bucket head, chunkier weapons, bigger heads,… so yeah, the slightly chunkier boots on She-Ra, Catra,… There is a certain toyetic twist in Origins.

I still hope for the best final (head)sculpt with She-Ra once we see the final ! I’m really looking forward to her!

Samuel reacted
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Should Mattel re-do Kol-Darr as a CC release? As the only Filmation-unique character released in the regular line on the older Origins buck, he now doesn't stylistically match all the figures coming out as part of the cartoon collection. It's awkward.

Royal Guard
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@durendal It's not 1:1 CC but I don't see it as too out of whack stylistically. Sure the armor is insultingly yellow but it only makes it look more cartoony not less.

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