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STORY DETAILS! New ''Masters of the Universe'' Live-Action MOVIE starts with a 9-Year Old Prince Adam

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Posted by: @bendortheconqueror

After seeing what he has done with Revelation/Revolution, I'm good. Please don't let Rob David write anything anymore.

He wrote what many feel is the greatest MOTU story ever told: The Eternity War. Of course, he should continue writing. As far as Revelation goes, some of his ideas were vetoed, like NOT killing He-Man.


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Posted by: @ehenyo

Posted by: @bendortheconqueror

After seeing what he has done with Revelation/Revolution, I'm good. Please don't let Rob David write anything anymore.

He wrote what many feel is the greatest MOTU story ever told: The Eternity War. Of course, he should continue writing. As far as Revelation goes, some of his ideas were vetoed, like NOT killing He-Man.


The dude can't be vetoed. Kevin Smith repeatedly said they were his bosses and the story ideas had to be approved by the Netflix side and Mattel side. That's Ted and Rob.

I also gotta think Rob David is overseeing the writing of this movie bro. He's like a top Creative executive over there.



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This is going to be garbage. Don't even bother.

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Man, I do not like the whole Earth angle. That seems like a "we don't have the budget so base it on earth". Just do it right! Folk will show up.


It's like everytime I hear Dibonaventura is involved in a GI Joe movie I know it's going to be garbage. And afterwards all involved are like,"We don't know what went wrong?!" How about making Snake Eyes talk and a a petty gangster? Let's start with that those tragic missteps. Idiots. It's as if everyone has forgotten how to create compelling stories.

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At the end of the day Amazon is still a company that only wants money. The smartest thing they can do is spend money on writers who know the franchise like Rob David and have them write a script that will give Easter eggs for the fans and give a entertaining story for the average audience.

The "Going to Earth" trope has never worked ever. What has worked in many cult classics and successful movies is the ability to world build in SHOWING and not telling. IF Amazon is wanting to do a He-man origin story. I would like to see them build off of the 2002 MYP series.

Example: The City of Eternos, The jewel of the southern Kingdoms on Eternia has had 18 years of peace. But murmurs of a new warlord coming to power in the dark hemisphere has made the people uneasy, not just Eternos but for all of Eternia. Randor wants Duncan the Man-at-Arms to double up his students training. (Prince Adam, Teela, Raenius and Andra) Randor is frustraited that his son the crown prince is not taking things seriously. Kingdoms that once called Eternos allies during the great unrest are becoming more widthdrawn as tensions rise with every passing week as this New Warlord gaining more power and territory in the Dark Hemisphere. Will the Prince rise to be what his father wants? Or will he surcome to his idle ways of luxary and peaceful lifestyle?

IDK that is basic as hell but it is still better than going to Earth for 20 years.

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The dude can't be vetoed. Kevin Smith repeatedly said they were his bosses and the story ideas had to be approved by the Netflix side and Mattel side. is movie bro.


I hear you, but yes, bosses can be over ruled in some cases. Perhaps the word veto is too strong, but here you go: In David’s version, Adam survived; robbed of his ability to become He-Man, he spends the rest of the series figuring out how to build himself back up to his former glory.

“Kevin thought that was terrific,” said David. “And then he one-upped me and said, ‘What if we don’t just break the Sword of Power? What if we actually break Adam, too? What if he dies, when we flash forward a few years we really get to explore that — also what is it like for a world without He-Man?'”


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Wow. The more I readed the synopsis, the more I hated it. ¿Nine years old? Bad. ¿Earth? Awful. ¿20 FREAKING YEARS in Earth without the sword!?!?? Worst of the worst. Come on, just find a director and a writer who likes and respects the franchise. This is gonna be a worst aberration than the knights of the zodiac movie.

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Posted by: @ehenyo

The dude can't be vetoed. Kevin Smith repeatedly said they were his bosses and the story ideas had to be approved by the Netflix side and Mattel side. is movie bro.


I hear you, but yes, bosses can be over ruled in some cases. Perhaps the word veto is too strong, but here you go: In David’s version, Adam survived; robbed of his ability to become He-Man, he spends the rest of the series figuring out how to build himself back up to his former glory.

“Kevin thought that was terrific,” said David. “And then he one-upped me and said, ‘What if we don’t just break the Sword of Power? What if we actually break Adam, too? What if he dies, when we flash forward a few years we really get to explore that — also what is it like for a world without He-Man?'”

Ummmm yea but "one-upped me" means he came up with something better than me. He came up with an idea better than me, the opposite of a vetoed or overruled.




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Posted by: @he-dad

Ummmm yea but "one-upped me" means he came up with something better than me. He came up with an idea better than me, the opposite of a vetoed or overruled.

Like I said, perhaps the word veto was still too strong. Still, you are agreeing that killing Adam was the better idea?


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Posted by: @ehenyo

Posted by: @he-dad

Ummmm yea but "one-upped me" means he came up with something better than me. He came up with an idea better than me, the opposite of a vetoed or overruled.

Like I said, perhaps the word veto was still too strong. Still, you are agreeing that killing Adam was the better idea?


Yea Adam sacrificing himself is the better idea to me for people who like that kind of story.

For people who didn't like that kind of story I think the result would be the same with keeping Adam alive. Adam was only gone for episodes 2 and 3. When Adam came back late in episode 4 and was full on in 5 thru 9 there were fans that were still angry and wanted He-Man, hated Teela and her haircut and hated the spotlight on her. I don't think the fans who didn't like the story would have changed their minds much and thought it was a great story because Adam was alive through 2 and 3.



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If two thirds of the movie is on Eternia I will still be a happy bunny! 😊 

Daavid reacted
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Have to say at the mention of Earth my excitement waned somewhat.

ehenyo and Andy reacted
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@ehenyo I think killing Adam was a better idea IMO. We've seen some stories of Adam not able to become He-Man. Killing Adam helps underscore how important he really is and why he is worthy of the power.

ehenyo reacted
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Earth and "will need to uncover the mysteries of his past"... sounds like crap!

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Eyeroll Skeletor

Is that a joke?

Wun-Dar reacted
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So is Adam a reverse Star Lord or something? I suppose he's on Earth so he can learn the "lingo" and come back to Eternia as a quippy, 21st century surfer dude who listens to 80s MP3s all day?

Adam_Prince of Eternia
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Posted by: @zarius

So is Adam a reverse Star Lord or something? I suppose he's on Earth so he can learn the "lingo" and come back to Eternia as a quippy, 21st century surfer dude who listens to 80s MP3s all day?

That is not speculation, that is exactly their reasoning in their treatment.


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I really don't see why Earth is necessary. They could've just borrowed from the Netflix cartoon, and just had an amnesiac Adam being taken in by a jungle tribe as a child. He grows up, realizes who he really is, and saves Eternia.

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