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No her name is Belle Gibson and she faked cancer for Instagram likes and to get rich and famous. She also took money for charity but kept it for herse...
I just finished Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix and it was good but sad. How can someone fake having terminal cancer for likes? How does she sleep at n...
My favorite video of all time is Paula Abdul Opposites Attract!
Omigod he's adorable!!!!!
Rammy! 🥰 {hug}:maneram:
I like that it's cute 😸
They are going to look adorable together. 💓
@durendal This my third time trying so if this picture doesn't show I am giving up. 😹 He always has a double chin.
Nooooooooooooooo and I never got to meet him 😢 😔 😪 😢 😭 😿
The difference is Meg has scary pretty eyes and Alison's eyes are just pretty.
HNY! 😺
Merry Christmas everyone! 🤶 🎅 😺
The Barbie movie is on Netflix! 😺
This is really happening! I am so excited. I have 18 months to get my costume made because you know I am showing up opening night as She-Ra!
Those are so cute! 😽
Yaay! We love you Dolph! ❤
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! 😽
Her new hair looks perfect 😍
@he-dad OMG I CAN'T UNSEE IT! {shockef}:teela:
Her hair will look even brighter red in the sunlight. 😻