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@caliban He was a VERY private person and rarely had any photos released of himself. He never went to conventions either, as far as I'm aware. I'm sur...
AJ, you're knocking it out of the park with all the recent news!
I want to be Adam's boss on Earth! "Adam, I need those TPS reports!"
Except in that case, instead of redesigning like the Sonic backlash, they canceled. 😞
Agreed 100% ... I REALLY hope that plot was just a ruse.
Thanks, AJ! This is the only news I've waited for all week!
Great research, AJ! I just wish we had a clear picture for what happens next!!
Like I said, perhaps the word veto was still too strong. Still, you are agreeing that killing Adam was the better idea?
I hear you, but yes, bosses can be over ruled in some cases. Perhaps the word veto is too strong, but here you go: In David’s version, Adam survived; ...
He wrote what many feel is the greatest MOTU story ever told: The Eternity War. Of course, he should continue writing. As far as Revelation goes, some...
What happened to the Nee Bros??
I miss Power-Con (the MOTU one). Reading between the lines, I interpreted it dying because Mattel wanted to decentralize fan control of the property (...
Awesome summary!!!
This will be great for all of us who have no space for packaging! 🙂
Crazy that you kept the BCI name. Good to see you again!
Greetings, Bash!
Wassup, Mark!
Hi, He-Mun!
Hello, bonehead!
Hello again!
Personally, I think it's best to leave the .org as a static snapshot, at this point. Build what there is now; e.g., support AJ and this community. ...
Thanks, dedset13! You guys are making this transition super easy!
No. I'm pretty sure Adam Tyner jumped in every once in a while for maintenance. However, about a year or two ago, Val did put out a call for volunteer...