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Maybe King Grayskull is not a good fit for him, since the lore is that Grayskull himself died at a relatively young age, I calculate probably just 15-...
This figure looks nice and I will get it, but I don't understand the diversity of styles being used in the line: with NE Evil-Lyn we saw what Masterve...
I've been waiting for a Panthor figure for several years, since I missed Classics Panthor. I need to see the official pics to be enthusiastic though, ...
Curious to know what they're going to do with Fisto, then. I kind of liked Fisto and Duncan to be brothers. So, if they're going to cast Fisto, they w...
I thought she was not the ideal cast, but she's respecting the role, taking it seriously and, hence, working hard on it. Well done, so far this lady g...
Ok, cool figure, but this confirms we won't get any deeper into the characters selection. I understand the business decision: keep recycling the same ...
I suppose I will sound dumb if I confess I had a red head actress in mind for Teela *sigh*. But that's life nowadays... I suppose Battle Cat will be a...
At least a good news to balance the underwhelming news about the plot
That Skelcon is a jewel, if you zoom in the pic, you will be amazed with the detailed texture of that skull, and it's terrifying! However, when lookin...
All of those figures look gorgeous, but that Evil Lyn, sculpting-wise, is beyond the very best that Masterverse has offered so far, I'm impressed! ...
Wow, this is, by far, the most beautiful face in Masterverse line
With that synopsis I hope this one-more-time try also FAIL! Hopefully it will never get done. I don't understand why a He-Man movie needs to have a cr...
Seems like that story is no longer available, I followed the link and it doesn't land me in such an Instagram story where I can drop my question. I wa...
Earth and "will need to uncover the mysteries of his past"... sounds like crap!
@caliban Sure he is! And he was kind enough to take the time to swap the heads and answer me, so I owe him 😉
Hello guys! Sadly, this is the answer I got from youtuber MrAlanInTheWorldOfToys that made a video reviewing the Cartoon Collection Teela: "yes, I had...
Hi! Has anyone with early samples of Cartoon Collection Teela has tried that wonderful head on a Club Grayskull (Super 7) Teela body. I know the peg...
@skeledog no, my son does not use it as a toy, but he likes to pose the figure and try different combinations of accessories, and that's when he asks ...
My son got a Deluxe He-Man (one of those with a reduced accessories set) for Christmas. It was from the run that started to ship late November/early D...
I enjoyed both today because I knew of Paladin, and pairing him with Vykron was nice. About the 2nd bio, I loved how you linked that Weapons Pak armor...
I'm here to follow the saga. Vykron's history has been one of those gaps I always wanted to know more about.
Well, now I'm here too. Hi everyone.