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EXPLAINED: The Three Gods and Four Towers of Preternia in ''Masters of the Universe: Revolution''

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The following is an explanation of the lore behind the three Gods and four Towers of Preternia, as depicted in the Masters of the Universe: Revelation & Revolution. A very special thanks goes to Executive Producer Ted Biaselli for his assistance in compiling this information. IN THE BEGINNING: We start at the beginning, and In…

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Captain of the Guards
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That's really close to the mythos I can up with. I just use Serpos instead of Ka and he was the god of time.

Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025

Royal Guard
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I thoroughly enjoyed this and especially the video. It took me back to the days of watching Cosmos on PBS.

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This is awesome bro. I love the guides you create at the end.

So now it has a name,,,,,,,,,,




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An explanation that ends right at the part I wanted explained! Alas. Great recap of the known tower lore though. I can’t tell if this supports or denies my theory that the obelisk gate of Subternia was the ruins of the 4th tower having fallen from He-Man heaven.

Palace Guard
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I love this! I understand the gods now! Confession time. When I saw those animals in Revelation I didn't understand what was going on but now I do and why the towers were built. And now I know all the tower names and what each gods stand for and now I want more! Give me more! 😆

Palace Bodyguard
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These handy pocket guides of Eternian Deities you have created are absolutely brilliant. 

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron

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Okay, how about this theory.
The Tower of Shadows was the only way for
the barer of the Havoc staff to unlock its true power.
Hordak knew of this and destroyed the tower because he knew if someone like skeletor unlocked the true power of havoc, he would have the power to dismantle the horde and usurp all of Hordaks empire essentially either destroying Hordak or damning him to eternal servitude.
Hordak was around to fight during preternia times so he had the means and he knew the power of havoc well being that he had the staff in storage basically. He could never embrace the power of the staff because he was a magic denier and the staff never opened up to him. He gave it to Keldor because he had a weaker mind and Hordak was able to control him so in the end, Hordak ruled science, Skeletor ruled magic and Hordak ruled skeletor.
I’ve got too much time on my hands

Royal Guard
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@madara1221 I don't think that works because Teela was able to unlock the full power of Havoc without the tower.

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@talonfighter she just tapped into the power, not harnessed or unlocked the full power. She did prove that her mom didn’t unlock all the powers of the zoar staff she had forever and a day and she was able to tap into more than her mom. Being that very little is known about the havoc staff, we don’t know what it’s full power is. It can be safely assumed that even skeletor didn’t find its full potential because he would have been able to destroy anything that stood in his way without discrimination.


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