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Actor IDRIS ELBA set to play MAN-AT-ARMS in New ''Masters of the Universe'' Movie!

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@brasco yes!! 
maybe King Grayskull or an old character with few scenes

Royal Guard
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Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @mighty-thanos

Not everyone who wants Man-at-Arms played by a white actor are racists and bigots. Some people want the actors to look like the toys. They only want a black man playing Clamp Champ and they only want an asian man playing Jitsu. They want redheads to be readheads and blondes to be blondes. That's it. There's nothing else to it. Racists are people who think only white people should star in movies and tv. That is racist, this isn't.

There are at least two in this thread alone, and if you want to run interference for them, they you can be counted among them too.


I am not running interference and Elba playing Man-At-Arms is fine by me. I just think people like you are just as much the problem. You got one side attacking with WOKE WOKE WOKE and the other side attacking with BIGOT BIGOT BIGOT and the majority of people in the middle who like or dislike the casting are neither. They are willing to discuss the issue calmly and with respect if only the extremes on each side would get out of the way and stop insulting each other.


Adam_Prince of Eternia
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Posted by: @mighty-thanos
I am not running interference and Elba playing Man-At-Arms is fine by me. I just think people like you are just as much the problem. You got one side attacking with WOKE WOKE WOKE and the other side attacking with BIGOT BIGOT BIGOT and the majority of people in the middle who like or dislike the casting are neither. They are willing to discuss the issue calmly and with respect if only the extremes on each side would get out of the way and stop insulting each other.

This is bigotry:

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami
HA! I knew it! I told you so!  Another WOKE DEI trainwreck incoming. Hispanic Teela. Black Man-At-Arms. I guess the Sorceress will be an Asian trans woman.

Hate on me all you want but I F**kin told you so!!! Nobody ever listens to me. And here it is! I called it 100%.

I love Edris Elba but this is just pathetic & wrong. Just wait til all the haters like Clownfish jump on this.

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami
Hating race-swapping is not racist. Race-swapping is just stupid & pointless. And extremely annoying.

  Haven't you heard?  The racist card doesn't work anymore. It has been so over-used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. It's a joke! And constantly calling everybody IST's or PHOBES's no longer works. Even black people hate race-swapping. Black people have been saying "If you want a black character then simply create a new black character. But it's annoying when you turn white characters into black characters."  And how many times do you see them turn black characters into white characters? Let's turn it around. Maybe YOU are the "racists". Hating on white characters constantly! Especially white female REDHEAD characters. Erasing white legacy characters who have been white for generations (Ariel, Annie, The Cramdens, Snow WHITE, Teela, Man-At-Arms, King Grayskull). YOU are the racists! YOU are the ones who hate white people and are intolerant. (And why are there so many of you on this forum?)

Some of you people are a little slow so let me bring you up to speed. WOKE IS DEAD!  Your DEI presidential candidate just got decimated in the recent election. Your Woke DEI party lost the house & the senate. Walmart just announced that they are ending their DEI policies. Bud Light got destroyed because of Dylan Mulvaney. Target still hasn't recovered from their Woke DEI disaster. Majority of the USA has rejected Woke DEI garbage. You lost! It's over! Just accept defeat for once. 99% of the population is sick & tired of bowing down & pandering to 1% of 1%. It's a damn shame Amazon & Netflix haven't figured it out yet. Maybe Walmart, Bud Light & Target should send them the memo?

YOU LOST!  IT'S OVER!  Now go cry in the corner & let the adults get the country, society & pop culture back on track. You people have done so much damage it's ridiculous. Most of our beloved 80s franchises have been completely wrecked by your stupid Woke, DEI, race & gender swapping nonsense.  Everybody is sick & tired of it. And we're gonna keep fighting you. And we're gonna win. We're gonna get things back to normal (return to sanity). You've enjoyed your little experiment for the past couple decades but it failed. 


If you are unwilling to call this out, but are willing to criticize those who are, then you are—in fact—running interference for bigotry. It is really telling that you think these are morally equivalent positions. I bet you think when a Neo Nazi murders a peaceful protestor that there are "good people on both sides" of that equation too.


Royal Guard
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Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @mighty-thanos
I am not running interference and Elba playing Man-At-Arms is fine by me. I just think people like you are just as much the problem. You got one side attacking with WOKE WOKE WOKE and the other side attacking with BIGOT BIGOT BIGOT and the majority of people in the middle who like or dislike the casting are neither. They are willing to discuss the issue calmly and with respect if only the extremes on each side would get out of the way and stop insulting each other.

This is bigotry:

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami
HA! I knew it! I told you so!  Another WOKE DEI trainwreck incoming. Hispanic Teela. Black Man-At-Arms. I guess the Sorceress will be an Asian trans woman.

Hate on me all you want but I F**kin told you so!!! Nobody ever listens to me. And here it is! I called it 100%.

I love Edris Elba but this is just pathetic & wrong. Just wait til all the haters like Clownfish jump on this.

Posted by: @sci-fitsunami
Hating race-swapping is not racist. Race-swapping is just stupid & pointless. And extremely annoying.

  Haven't you heard?  The racist card doesn't work anymore. It has been so over-used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. It's a joke! And constantly calling everybody IST's or PHOBES's no longer works. Even black people hate race-swapping. Black people have been saying "If you want a black character then simply create a new black character. But it's annoying when you turn white characters into black characters."  And how many times do you see them turn black characters into white characters? Let's turn it around. Maybe YOU are the "racists". Hating on white characters constantly! Especially white female REDHEAD characters. Erasing white legacy characters who have been white for generations (Ariel, Annie, The Cramdens, Snow WHITE, Teela, Man-At-Arms, King Grayskull). YOU are the racists! YOU are the ones who hate white people and are intolerant. (And why are there so many of you on this forum?)

Some of you people are a little slow so let me bring you up to speed. WOKE IS DEAD!  Your DEI presidential candidate just got decimated in the recent election. Your Woke DEI party lost the house & the senate. Walmart just announced that they are ending their DEI policies. Bud Light got destroyed because of Dylan Mulvaney. Target still hasn't recovered from their Woke DEI disaster. Majority of the USA has rejected Woke DEI garbage. You lost! It's over! Just accept defeat for once. 99% of the population is sick & tired of bowing down & pandering to 1% of 1%. It's a damn shame Amazon & Netflix haven't figured it out yet. Maybe Walmart, Bud Light & Target should send them the memo?

YOU LOST!  IT'S OVER!  Now go cry in the corner & let the adults get the country, society & pop culture back on track. You people have done so much damage it's ridiculous. Most of our beloved 80s franchises have been completely wrecked by your stupid Woke, DEI, race & gender swapping nonsense.  Everybody is sick & tired of it. And we're gonna keep fighting you. And we're gonna win. We're gonna get things back to normal (return to sanity). You've enjoyed your little experiment for the past couple decades but it failed. 


If you are unwilling to call this out, but are willing to criticize those who are, then you are—in fact—running interference for bigotry.It is really telling that you think these are morally equivalent positions. I bet you think when a Neo Nazi murders a peaceful protestor that there are "good people on both sides" of that equation too.

I am not defending him but how you were treating @lurker-man and other nice people here through the time I've been here.

Also you expose your ineptitude with the "good people on both sides" reference. He was talking about the people protesting for and against taking down old historical statues. If you listen to what he said fully, he said he was not talking about neo nazis. But hey the extremists on both sides never let the truth and reason get in the way of their argument. Watch the video unedited


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@kdudangf AJ just put up a post stating Lundgren is cancer free so it’s a possibility now 

Adam_Prince of Eternia
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Posted by: @mighty-thanos

I am not defending him but how you were treating @lurker-man and other nice people here through the time I've been here.

Also you expose your ineptitude with the "good people on both sides" reference. He was talking about the people protesting for and against taking down old historical statues. If you listen to what he said fully, he said he was not talking about neo nazis. But hey the extremists on both sides never let the truth and reason get in the way of their argument. Watch the video unedited

You are defending him, and you just gave away the game. Once again, proving my point. You guys cannot help but fall all over yourselves to tell others exactly who you are.


banthafett reacted
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Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @mighty-thanos

I am not defending him but how you were treating @lurker-man and other nice people here through the time I've been here.

Also you expose your ineptitude with the "good people on both sides" reference. He was talking about the people protesting for and against taking down old historical statues. If you listen to what he said fully, he said he was not talking about neo nazis. But hey the extremists on both sides never let the truth and reason get in the way of their argument. Watch the video unedited

You are defending him, and you just gave away the game. Once again, proving my point. You guys cannot help but fall all over yourselves to tell others exactly who you are.


Ignores political part when proven dramatically wrong and talks in generalizations when he has no facts. You falsely accuse and take an imaginary high ground. Once again I am only defending @lurker-man and defending adult debate and conversation in general and fighting baseless claims while being a guy who likes Elba in the role. You crack me up.🤣


Royal Guard
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Posted by: @mighty-thanos

Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @mighty-thanos

I am not defending him but how you were treating @lurker-man and other nice people here through the time I've been here.

Also you expose your ineptitude with the "good people on both sides" reference. He was talking about the people protesting for and against taking down old historical statues. If you listen to what he said fully, he said he was not talking about neo nazis. But hey the extremists on both sides never let the truth and reason get in the way of their argument. Watch the video unedited

You are defending him, and you just gave away the game. Once again, proving my point. You guys cannot help but fall all over yourselves to tell others exactly who you are.


Ignores political part when proven dramatically wrong and talks in generalizations when he has no facts. You falsely accuse and take an imaginary high ground. Once again I am only defending @lurker-man and defending adult debate and conversation in general and fighting baseless claims while being a guy who likes Elba in the role. You crack me up.🤣


Thank you. I hope most can see where I'm actually coming from instead of trying to paint enemies where are none. I'm actually more sad about them than mad about it. Most are simply victims of an cult of closet racists on the farest extreme left. The sad part is I'm very sure they mean well but don't know how and in the worst cases because of that go to hateful extremes themselves without even realizing how they became the monsters they want to fight (generally spoken). They can only drag themselves out of the well they have fallen in, every outside help offered is seen as just more enemies exposing themselves. Worse; the ethnicities they want to support by now publicy yell, berate and mock them because of the at best clumsy way they engage with inclusion topics get ignored (or like Zoe Saldana get racial slurs thrown at like back when she defended Chris Pratt). I refuse the poo-flinging and personal insult exchanging; especially with the people here that I still value regardless of the emotional outbursts. When someone wants to talk like normal people talk I'm here.


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It look like everybody said their piece. Lets move on guys.

Shake Hands Friends GIF



Royal Guard
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I like this casting choice. I could care less about race swap or woke stuff, let him be cast because he’s good. I hope this movie succeeds. I also hope we can let it be a new take with elements of what came before but not full fan service to us old timers. 

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