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I don't know.... he's a great performer, and vocally he could be about anyone, but live action on screen I'm just not seeing him as Duncan. I can see him as Zodac or maybe even Stratos, but I'm not seeing Man-At-Arms.
We'll see. A large part of course falls on the script, which if they're going with that Adam on Earth for most of it idea I don't have much confidence in.
Great actor. He should play Clamp Champ. Man-at-arms is a white man. Period.
Sorry not sorry.
I am happy with the choice of Idris Elba as Man-At-Arms, I am a strong believer in equality, diversity and inclusiveness and I think it doesn't matter about race or anything like that.
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
HA! I knew it! I told you so! Another WOKE DEI trainwreck incoming. Hispanic Teela. Black Man-At-Arms. I guess the Sorceress will be an Asian trans woman.
Hate on me all you want but I F**kin told you so!!! Nobody ever listens to me. And here it is! I called it 100%.
I love Edris Elba but this is just pathetic & wrong. Just wait til all the haters like Clownfish jump on this.
I love how racists fall all over themselves to let everyone know they are racists. They cannot help themselves, they have no self-control.
Hating race-swapping is not racist. Race-swapping is just stupid & pointless. And extremely annoying.
Haven't you heard? The racist card doesn't work anymore. It has been so over-used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. It's a joke! And constantly calling everybody IST's or PHOBES's no longer works. Even black people hate race-swapping. Black people have been saying "If you want a black character then simply create a new black character. But it's annoying when you turn white characters into black characters." And how many times do you see them turn black characters into white characters? Let's turn it around. Maybe YOU are the "racists". Hating on white characters constantly! Especially white female REDHEAD characters. Erasing white legacy characters who have been white for generations (Ariel, Annie, The Cramdens, Snow WHITE, Teela, Man-At-Arms, King Grayskull). YOU are the racists! YOU are the ones who hate white people and are intolerant. (And why are there so many of you on this forum?)
Some of you people are a little slow so let me bring you up to speed. WOKE IS DEAD! Your DEI presidential candidate just got decimated in the recent election. Your Woke DEI party lost the house & the senate. Walmart just announced that they are ending their DEI policies. Bud Light got destroyed because of Dylan Mulvaney. Target still hasn't recovered from their Woke DEI disaster. Majority of the USA has rejected Woke DEI garbage. You lost! It's over! Just accept defeat for once. 99% of the population is sick & tired of bowing down & pandering to 1% of 1%. It's a damn shame Amazon & Netflix haven't figured it out yet. Maybe Walmart, Bud Light & Target should send them the memo?
YOU LOST! IT'S OVER! Now go cry in the corner & let the adults get the country, society & pop culture back on track. You people have done so much damage it's ridiculous. Most of our beloved 80s franchises have been completely wrecked by your stupid Woke, DEI, race & gender swapping nonsense. Everybody is sick & tired of it. And we're gonna keep fighting you. And we're gonna win. We're gonna get things back to normal (return to sanity). You've enjoyed your little experiment for the past couple decades but it failed.
@sci-fitsunami Since Amazon has DEI mandates and guidelines every showrunner has to adhere to to get the show made it does not require prophetic foresight to know "something" will be added; changed. The question is how they navigate it and as it is I'd say its far from a trainwrek. Its not that they threw their hands and said "fck it, pick anyone, I don't care anymore". Teelas actress looks spot on; specially now with her doubling down with the hairstyle; an hispanic origin matters not for the correct portrayal. And Elba is a great choice for a grizzled old veteran/dad figure mentor. They had to fill that role with a black guy; and IMO went with the best they could given the ristricting mandates.
And to you other post: Dude! Please Chill! We are all global MOTU fans here, lets try to keep this american political side outrage somewhat out and try to be nice to each other.
@sci-fitsunami Since Amazon has DEI mandates and guidelines every showrunner has to adhere to to get the show made it does not require prophetic foresight to know "something" will be added; changed. The question is how they navigate it and as it is I'd say its far from a trainwrek. Its not that they threw their hands and said "fck it, pick anyone, I don't care anymore". Teelas actress looks spot on; specially now with her doubling down with the hairstyle; an hispanic origin matters not for the correct portrayal. And Elba is a great choice for a grizzled old veteran/dad figure mentor. They had to fill that role with a black guy; and IMO went with the best they could given the ristricting mandates.
Why did they have to fill the role of Man-At-Arms with a black guy? Please explain. And how many other characters are going to be forced to race-swap?
Teela's actress looks exactly like a cross between Rachel Zegler & Mila Kunis. She may do a great job acting, but her look is all wrong for the character. It does matter because she doesn't look right. She needs to look close to the original artwork or cartoon. I want a hot, sexy actress to play Teela. Somebody closer to Margo Robbie or Sydney Sweeney just to name a couple off the top of my head.
Edris Elba is one of my favorite actors. I normally go nuts every time I hear he's going to be in a movie. Pacific Rim is one of my favorite franchises and I went nuts when I learned that he was going to be the main villain in Hobbs & Shaw. But c'mon! Man-At-Arms??? Sure, he could pull off a grizzled war veteran father figure. But WHY? WHY cast him as a white character when there are black characters like Clamp Champ?
It's not about whether these actors can play the part. It's all about the agenda. The principle of it. The stupidity of it. The Woke leftist BS that they've been ramming down our throats for decades. We know why they're doing it. And it's stupid. It's pointless. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do something.
All I'm saying is wait until all the critics & haters get on this. We all know what happened with Revelation & Clownfish, Yellowflash, Mr. K & all the other Youtube haters. This isn't gonna be pretty. Just wait for it. It feels like they are trying to sabotage it before it even goes into production.
Hell, the actors they cast for Teela & Man-At-Arms in the 87 movie were horribly wrong too. And they weren't even race-swapped.
@sci-fitsunami They have to because Amazon mandates it ( Scroll a bit down; the rules a highlighted in bullet points. the runners of the MOTU movie do not have a say in it; they only can try to make the best out of it and so far IMO they did. Mendez already looks like Teela what not can be said for the 80ys portrayal.
The alternative is not doing at all. And since MOTU is already very progressive in its core they try to navigate it as best they can. And what is the US obsession with adding hispanic to certain corners? You guys do know that "hispanic origin" mean "descendant of the European kingdom of Spain"? Which i.e. means in Zeglers case they actually made a point landing in her portraing an European medival princess. Her behaving like a lunatic is a seperate thing though.
Most people that read into the DEI/BRIDGE or however it is called now stuff will quickly see that its as racist as its stupid and only there to fill the pockets of a few elites while distract from unifying factors like wealth gaps. For example you and @adam_prince-of-eternia on each others throaths means you both go manipulated into it. You both can only win if you try to be chill and rational; especially with each other.
I love how racists fall all over themselves to let everyone know they are racists. They cannot help themselves, they have no self-control.
Hating race-swapping is not racist. Race-swapping is just stupid & pointless. And extremely annoying.
Haven't you heard? The racist card doesn't work anymore. It has been so over-used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. It's a joke! And constantly calling everybody IST's or PHOBES's no longer works. Even black people hate race-swapping. Black people have been saying "If you want a black character then simply create a new black character. But it's annoying when you turn white characters into black characters." And how many times do you see them turn black characters into white characters? Let's turn it around. Maybe YOU are the "racists". Hating on white characters constantly! Especially white female REDHEAD characters. Erasing white legacy characters who have been white for generations (Ariel, Annie, The Cramdens, Snow WHITE, Teela, Man-At-Arms, King Grayskull). YOU are the racists! YOU are the ones who hate white people and are intolerant. (And why are there so many of you on this forum?)
Some of you people are a little slow so let me bring you up to speed. WOKE IS DEAD! Your DEI presidential candidate just got decimated in the recent election. Your Woke DEI party lost the house & the senate. Walmart just announced that they are ending their DEI policies. Bud Light got destroyed because of Dylan Mulvaney. Target still hasn't recovered from their Woke DEI disaster. Majority of the USA has rejected Woke DEI garbage. You lost! It's over! Just accept defeat for once. 99% of the population is sick & tired of bowing down & pandering to 1% of 1%. It's a damn shame Amazon & Netflix haven't figured it out yet. Maybe Walmart, Bud Light & Target should send them the memo?
YOU LOST! IT'S OVER! Now go cry in the corner & let the adults get the country, society & pop culture back on track. You people have done so much damage it's ridiculous. Most of our beloved 80s franchises have been completely wrecked by your stupid Woke, DEI, race & gender swapping nonsense. Everybody is sick & tired of it. And we're gonna keep fighting you. And we're gonna win. We're gonna get things back to normal (return to sanity). You've enjoyed your little experiment for the past couple decades but it failed.
I despise racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and antisemitic bigots. What you people call WOKE is what should be called wisdom and compassion. Bigots will NOT win, nor should they, and it will never be normal.
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
Hating race-swapping is not racist. Race-swapping is just stupid & pointless. And extremely annoying.Haven't you heard? The racist card doesn't work anymore. It has been so over-used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. It's a joke! And constantly calling everybody IST's or PHOBES's no longer works. Even black people hate race-swapping. Black people have been saying "If you want a black character then simply create a new black character. But it's annoying when you turn white characters into black characters." And how many times do you see them turn black characters into white characters? Let's turn it around. Maybe YOU are the "racists". Hating on white characters constantly! Especially white female REDHEAD characters. Erasing white legacy characters who have been white for generations (Ariel, Annie, The Cramdens, Snow WHITE, Teela, Man-At-Arms, King Grayskull). YOU are the racists! YOU are the ones who hate white people and are intolerant. (And why are there so many of you on this forum?)
Some of you people are a little slow so let me bring you up to speed. WOKE IS DEAD! Your DEI presidential candidate just got decimated in the recent election. Your Woke DEI party lost the house & the senate. Walmart just announced that they are ending their DEI policies. Bud Light got destroyed because of Dylan Mulvaney. Target still hasn't recovered from their Woke DEI disaster. Majority of the USA has rejected Woke DEI garbage. You lost! It's over! Just accept defeat for once. 99% of the population is sick & tired of bowing down & pandering to 1% of 1%. It's a damn shame Amazon & Netflix haven't figured it out yet. Maybe Walmart, Bud Light & Target should send them the memo?
YOU LOST! IT'S OVER! Now go cry in the corner & let the adults get the country, society & pop culture back on track. You people have done so much damage it's ridiculous. Most of our beloved 80s franchises have been completely wrecked by your stupid Woke, DEI, race & gender swapping nonsense. Everybody is sick & tired of it. And we're gonna keep fighting you. And we're gonna win. We're gonna get things back to normal (return to sanity). You've enjoyed your little experiment for the past couple decades but it failed.
A hit dog hollers. Thanks for proving my point.
For example you and @adam_prince-of-eternia on each others throaths means you both go manipulated into it. You both can only win if you try to be chill and rational; especially with each other.
Re-read the thread. There is no "each other." I did not address him. He had not even posted in the thread when I made my post. He quoted me, and went on a bigoted tirade. Unironically, proving my point. Then you came along, pretending to be an "enlightened centrist," and "both sides-ed" a one-sided situation. Save your unsolicited advice for someone who needs it. Like the person who is so apoplectic about a fictional character that he cannot control himself. Someone who is so small that he cannot use his big-boy words, and posts all caps political screeds.
For example you and @adam_prince-of-eternia on each others throaths means you both go manipulated into it. You both can only win if you try to be chill and rational; especially with each other.Re-read the thread. There is no "each other." I did not address him. He had not even posted in the thread when I made my post. He quoted me, and went on a bigoted tirade. Unironically, proving my point. Then you came along, pretending to be an "enlightened centrist," and "both sides-ed" a one-sided situation. Save your unsolicited advice for someone who needs it. Like the person who is so apoplectic about a fictional character that he cannot control himself. Someone who is so small that he cannot use his big-boy words, and posts all caps political screeds.
Neither did I nor do I need to pretend to be anything. Much less enlightened. But thanks? I guess?
You both seem to be more than willing to avoid the topic and go straight to personal attacks which I can only assume to be an after effect of that dreadful election you guys had mixed with a decade of social politcal "warfare". Its unhealthy. For the mind. And something unheathly for that too long also for the body.
Neither did I nor do I need to pretend to be anything. Much less enlightened. But thanks? I guess?You both seem to be more than willing to avoid the topic and go straight to personal attacks which I can only assume to be an after effect of that dreadful election you guys had mixed with a decade of social politcal "warfare". Its unhealthy. For the mind. And something unheathly for that too long also for the body.
Someone who expresses bigoted sentiments is a bigot. That is not a personal attack, it is a fact. But the important thing is that you found a way to blame "both sides" in a one-sided situation.
Not everyone who wants Man-at-Arms played by a white actor are racists and bigots. Some people want the actors to look like the toys. They only want a black man playing Clamp Champ and they only want an asian man playing Jitsu. They want redheads to be readheads and blondes to be blondes. That's it. There's nothing else to it. Racists are people who think only white people should star in movies and tv. That is racist, this isn't.
It's not always going to be possible to get actors who look exactly like the action figures, I still love the 1987 MOTU movie and all the new looks and costumes.
I also thought Black Adam with Aldis Hodge as Hawkman was an awesome movie. Not once did I object to the race change. Loved the costume too.
Some people have been making extremely hateful and bigoted remarks and they deserve to be called out on that though. For example saying Dylan Mulvaney destroyed Bud Light was an asinine remark, it was the hateful bullies who attacked HER who did that. They are the ones playing the victim card here.
Also for example, not everyone who loved Halle Bailey in Little Mermaid "hates white people or red haired white women", I love the movie and I bought the DVD and CD soundtrack, and I still love the animated movie.
I am also excited to see the new Snow White movie with Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot and will definitely be adding the DVD and CD soundtrack to my collection. Again I still love the animated movie.
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
I think Nicole Kidman should play The Sorceress.
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
Not everyone who wants Man-at-Arms played by a white actor are racists and bigots. Some people want the actors to look like the toys. They only want a black man playing Clamp Champ and they only want an asian man playing Jitsu. They want redheads to be readheads and blondes to be blondes. That's it. There's nothing else to it. Racists are people who think only white people should star in movies and tv. That is racist, this isn't.
There are at least two in this thread alone, and if you want to run interference for them, they you can be counted among them too.