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Hot Mustard Doritos  ITS LIFE CHANGING🔥 🥵 😋 😍 ♥️ 👌 

Palace Guard
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Episode 25 has dropped at and I want to ask everyone who’s been following my Vlog to please check out this one because I’m asking for interaction with all of you. 


You’re also going to learn about my least favorite animated series I ever worked on. It’s weird, it’s wacky and, lo and behold, even though it started out as my least favorite, I got one heckuva lot out of it.

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Palace Guard
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@he-dad thats messed up. People be like that

Palace Guard
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Got about half the parts I need to put together my PC for 3D modelling and animation. Hopefully I get everything together by autumn.

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He-Dad reacted
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Episode 26 has dropped at

After briefly explaining the one reason why Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats was a truly groundbreaking animated series, I’m taking a bit of a break from talking about animation so I can focus on the process of writing – specifically writing novels.

Yeah, I know not everyone thinks they’re interested in that, but I also think once you go on the ride and see how writers – or at least this writer – write novels, you’ll enjoy the trip.

Palace Guard
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Episode 27 has dropped at

Today I’ll be spending another episode talking about the process of writing, before getting back to the television series I have worked on during a career that has spanned over forty years. 

I get that not everyone is a writer, but I’m guessing, as I’ve said before, a lot of you like to know what goes on in the demented -- 🙂 -- minds of those who do write, and what that process entails.  And as a bonus, I'm showing a screen shot of me and Kim on my iPhone!   So check it out…and enjoy. 

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The in-laws are staying with us for the weekend. Hooray for me. My wife's Grandfather came with them and he just saw my toy collection for the first time and you can tell he instantly thought less of me. He called it childish. I know I shouldnt feel embarrassed but I did. And my face got all red. I'm angry that I let him get the best of me. This sucks.


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@he-dad you could be doing drugs or gambling.  People that don’t share the same interests don’t understand. I get what you’re feeling but I wouldn’t let it bother you too much. Who cares what other people think. It’s a hobby that makes you happy. 😃

He-Dad reacted
Palace Guard
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Posted by: @brasco

@he-dad you could be doing drugs or gambling.  People that don’t share the same interests don’t understand. I get what you’re feeling but I wouldn’t let it bother you too much. Who cares what other people think. It’s a hobby that makes you happy. 😃

Exactly! As long as it makes you happy who cares what other people think.


He-Dad reacted
Soldier of Eternos
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He-Dad I can tell you for one not all Grandparents would look down on collections. All of mine seemed to have some sort of collection of a kind. Like it's been said don't let it get you down. You worked hard to get what you want.

He-Dad reacted
Palace Guard
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So Episode 28 has dropped.  It’s a different kind of episode for two reasons.  First, you’ll see me wearing a suit and tie, something I rarely do.  And no, I’m not going to a wedding or a funeral; just coming from a very important meeting and, as Kim says, I clean up good. 


But much more importantly, this is the first episode in which I trace my Hollywood career that I embark on something very different than animation series scripts and, yes, it’s still with DIC Entertainment.  So it’s an interesting detour, and one I think you’ll enjoy.


Check it out at

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@brasco @asterstar @thedoctor

Thanks brothers. I think what got me is I was already worried about making a good impression after the marital problems we've been going through which has been kind of public knowledge. Then their visit starts with that. Sweet Jesus. 😂



Soldier of Eternos
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@he-dad Again don't worry about impressing them. You and the wife are the only ones that matter when there are problems minus any kids. Just take it day by day and make sure you are happy.

He-Dad reacted
Palace Guard
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Here's an idea: Collaborate with your wife to create a Business Plan for your marriage.  There are tons of sites on the web that explains what a Business Plan is, the sections in one and how to create them.  But basically it's a blueprint for a business.  If you treat your marriage like a business, looking at it unemotionally and then jointly seeking a path for it to succeed, this may work for you.  Doing this certainly has the benefit of you and your wife working together on something very important and a few laughs along the way won't hurt.  In this way you both have your say in how the "business" of your marriage will operate in the future and you become joint owners in it.

Just a thought.

Palace Guard
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Number 29 has dropped at

Check it out as I learn I’m to be writing for a true superstar!

Palace Guard
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Ok, we're back in business, with Episode 30 dropping at
​Again, apologies for my missing the Tuesday drop due to my pneumonia vaccination the day before.  I think you'll like this episode, featuring some odd developments as I move into working on Mattel's Predicaments video game with superstar Joan Rivers. 

Palace Guard
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Episode 32 has dropped at a little early today.  Check it out and enjoy my meeting with the WWF superstars.  Also, get ready as I begin a new chapter in my television career.


After this installment I’m going to switch to a couple of instructive installments on writing for television, film and novels since it’s been a while since we’ve had installments on that.


Palace Guard
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Yes, Installment #33 of my Vlog has posted and yes I’m fifty minutes late letting you know.  My bad.  Sorry. 


In this installment we take a detour into talking about writing, how to soften the blow of rejection and how to turn it to your advantage.


Enjoy.  Check it out at

Palace Guard
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Hi, everyone.  Just to let you know, installment #34 has dropped early, hopefully making up for my notifying you about yesterday’s drop a little late.


In this, my second of four installments about the business of writing, I reveal what I’m doing is trying to show you how to create your own Presentation Package for presenting a television series concept to broadcasters.   

Yes, I know not everyone is interested creating and presenting a series to broadcasters.  But I’m pretty sure most people would like to see how it’s done, so I’m going to show you how it’s worked for me over the years.

And don’t worry, in a couple installments I’m going to show you how to get that Presentation Package to broadcasters.  And after the next two installments, I promise we’ll return to my adventures at in television industry at DIC Entertainment.

Check it all out by going to

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