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The head looks better now. Cool idea with the removable die-cast recorder. And he does have the bigger chest compared to the New Eternia version. ...
@adam_prince-of-eternia … so you say yourself, it could be completely rewritten 🤡 So what’s there to fight about? So much can change. And yeah, we m...
@adam_prince-of-eternia Are we really at the point of “I know better than you?” Everyone thinks they’re an arbiter. 🙄 I guess we shall see if this ...
@adam_prince-of-eternia Sometimes surprising things can happen when reinventing stuff completely. Smallville reinvented the Superman Mythos as a teen ...
Also, Vypor dropped in my pile of loot at BBTS. I think it’s about time to ship!
@admin Thanks for sharing this! I’m looking forward to get mine this month! I like Origins that have more muted or different colors, so I’m curious ho...
I mean, what do I know, but She-Ra would be lucky if it becomes as successful as Riverdale. But yeah, familiar chorus, “if it’s not for me and middle ...
Ugh with the negativity and the “oh no, women!”🙄 We know literally nothing about this yet. If they manage to pull it off, I’ll watch it! The more M...
Not saying motu ladies need to be more buff. Just sort of a fun “What If” the female characters in Origins would try to be a liiiiittle closer to the ...
I have no interest or knowledge of computer games, but I really liked this figure. This Chun-Li from Jada Toys shows how a female fighter can be a bit...
Vypor Pre-Arrival email from BBTS (ToG Hordak should also drop in my loot any day)
Those new pics of Horde Trooper Prime with black background on BBTS look rad. Have we seen them before? His red looks better again. Walmart is sl...
@depp76 Yikes! I hope those orders on BBTS are safe. I think I ‘ve been seeing them on Walmart (through Paul), but the price was always too high for...
I would love these in Origins and in Masterverse, I’m sure a lot of people would! The Trooper’s gimmick reminds me of later NA Skeletors, interesti...
@smitty-81 Yeah that's very ending is a bit weird, but I'm confident when Hordak tries to use him, things will go horribly wrong and Demo-Man will be ...
That one panel where he wants to unleash hordes of demons (and merge Eternia with Despondos), is a good use for Demo Man and one of my favorite scenes...
@smitty-81 Maybe instead, we’re getting Modulok on (ugh) Amazon in October.
It really looks like he has only one upper body. Didn’t the vintage have two? Otherwise, he looks rad. Never had him. I kinda like that he’s chunki...
@admin These are fun but it would be really cool to see stuff from earlier in the process. These are fairly far along, towards the end of the process,...
@depp76 This pic only shows one upper body … I hope he comes with two like the original 😬 Unless they’re trying to emulate the Filmation version 🤔
I wonder if we’ll hear / see anything new about this new line. I’m still very curious…
I would think it’s probably another multi-part animated story, like what they did with the snakes. But this time, it could be She-Ra ??? Or, of course...
@admin We just don’t know, since we haven’t a clue about production runs. With Masterverse Snout Spout there clearly was a second run, e.g. Of cours...
That old figure with the spray-painted muscles looks like a Halloween costume a real person is wearing. Mondo has come a long way and I’m sure this ne...
Happy (shipping) news all around – got my notice from Matty, Demo Man “label created” and Walmart is finally sending out my Terroar, the last miss...