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@depp76 this shit is always happening to people who don't live in the US. Their international policy is

I got mine Night Stalker while I was dropping a deuce at Walmart.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 ah where most of our best work and ideas are created lol
@durendal I would say that making all these new molds is expensive, but the numbers they produce are way lower than in retail. It’s a “boutique” kind of business, as supposed to the many many stores in retail worldwide.
Which is, to the retail giant, less important and attractive, so they put less resources into it.
(If they outsourced it to a different company, it might go actually faster, but I don’t want to own that can of worms).
Fact is they want to do it themselves, they are making nice new Origins figures, but , yeah, it is slow progress with the Vintage Line-Up.
At least there are some other lines / sublines, to have some fun with meanwhile.
Night Stalker still available
@brasco It still is available. Is this historic for Origins?
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@elder it's kinda hard to say. It's the first MC exclusive vehicle/creature so it's historic in that regard. As for longevity it's nothing compared to the He-Man four pack, but that's a high-end collector's item so it's kinda in another category.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@elder it's kinda hard to say. It's the first MC exclusive vehicle/creature so it's historic in that regard. As for longevity it's nothing compared to the He-Man four pack, but that's a high-end collector's item so it's kinda in another category.
Released in 2022 and counting. Mattel heavily discounted that 4 pack a bunch of times and they still can't sell it out.
@kraken I'm honestly surprised more people passed on it. Also disappointed as it's poor performance may have prevented a Skeletor set from being made.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
The thing is we don’t know the production numbers on *any* of these. “Selling out” is not a big accomplishment if only 7 are produced.
An interesting hint is, how the MV NE Snout Spout sold out… and since has been available again.
It is possible some of these (MV) are produced as evergreens, and even have second runs. Or on purpose overproduced, so that there’s always stuff in the store. Others, yeah they didn’t sell out, but probably have made their money back by now.
I don’t get the whole obsession about selling out or not. “It’s been up for an hour! The line is dying 😆!”
I personally passed on it. Was a bit surprised myself since I had set the alarm for when it was dropping on MC. But when it was time to hit the buy button, I was like "nah... not feeling it".
Honestly, the whole MC business is annoying, especially the added expense. And no, it's not about the extra 10 bucks for shipping per se, but it adds up with how they are going about it. This slow trickling of figures and now vehicles is really eroding my interest in the line. I just wish they would do quarterly drops of 3-4 items, so that we can at least combine the shipping. I still think Night Stalker looks great, just not 50$ great, if that makes sense.
I still have a few "wants" from the vintage origins line, assuming it keeps going. Stonedar, which we already know is coming, as well as Rio Blast, and Laser Light Skeletor/He-man. Beyond that, I would love to see Dragon Walker und Fright Zone, but I am not too optimistic about those...
Just when I started sort of liking Toy Habits again they do this click bait bullshit. They say they have crowdfund details and when you click on the site they have nothing. It's all fucking stupid speculation.
BBTS charged me for CC Evil-Lyn.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
2x reptilax
2x webstor
3x evil lyn
hit loot this morning
so that leaves 2x necros from bbts,
and 2x terroar, 2x grasp that walmart will never ship
Just when I started sort of liking Toy Habits again they do this click bait bullshit. They say they have crowdfund details and when you click on the site they have nothing. It's all fucking stupid speculation.

Nightstalkers have shipped. I dont like the idea of the rest of origins being online, but at least they have been getting them shipped out a few days after ordering, which is the way to go if they want online only.
@banthafett you mean the Origins: Vintage Collection, right? Because the Cartoon Collection, Fan Favorites and Turtles of Grayskull are all part of Origins and sold at retail unless you live where I do.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
You know what I mean. Stop trying to be smart, it doesn’t work for you.
@banthafett no I don't know what you mean. There are still people that insist that the CC sbd ToG lines are not part of Origins. Don't go assuming things.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Even people on Ebay have no clue how to list these figures. Blame Mattel. Like Masterverse they should make it real easy and stick an Origins logo somewhere on the front of every package.
@caliban exactly there's no "Origins" branding or logo on any of the packaging. There should have been... but Hasbro hasn't put "Generations" on any of their Transformers products for years now, but they did when they first launched Generations...
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025