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@smitty-81 my reply disappeared upon posting. I have since retyped it.
@smitty-81 and in the Vintage Line, Eternia (as well as Point Dread/Talon Fighter) was an outlier for having a mini-comic as well. But I wanted to mak...
Do we know (or even suspect) if the Fright Zone will include a mini-comic?
Obviously, without being privy to contracts all of this discussion is speculation. That said, Filmation never owned She-Ra. It was and remains wholel...
[quote “The only thing that I’ve been told over and over again is the properties are owned by two different companies,” Smith says. “Masters of the Un...
Updated List of Origins Mini-comics Horde Invasion (Cartoon Collection Wave 4A) Plague of the Immortal (Geldor) Honor Amongst Thieves (Cart...
@lasastard my reading is that if Mattel was ever planned on releasing all of the vintage vehicles in Origins, they would have been more aggressive fro...
@smitty-81 dang it. My comment should be there, now. Thanks
If you want vehicles, try eBay
@brasco don't follow that thread, so didn't know
@brasco also ToG Mekaneck, Rattlor, Raphael, and Donatello
@cosmic got my shipping notice
So, I missed the announcement that Scare Mare would include a mini-comic, not that I could justify that purchase. That said, I hope if anyone did take...
Updated List of Origins Mini-comics Honor Amongst Thieves (Cartoon Collection Wave 3B) Soul Keeper (Demo-Man) He-Man in a Half-Shell (Turtl...
ToG Hordak (from Toy Stlkr) and Demo-Man arrived in the past couple of days. Got my notification from BBTS about Vypor shipping soon.
And yet Horde Trooper Prime is still available
Updated List of Origins Mini-comics The Shape of Vengeance (Cartoon Collection Wave 3A)Leviathan's War (Wave 15)Terror of the Technomancer (Extendar)T...
ToyStlkr canceled my ToG Hordak Edit: And now they emailed to say it has been uncanceled.
I ordered CC Mer-Man through them and received it on May 6. My CC Stratos from BBT, on the other hand, arrived on May 22.
Turtles of Grayskull Hordak is available for pre-order on Toy Stlkr
@banthafett ToyStlkr has Clawful
So, we've got the official solicit on ossue 1 of the Turtles of Grayskull comic. Any speculation on how this will resemble/tie-in to the mini-comics?
Already got the notice for him to be shipped!
Toy Stlkr has pre-orders for ToG Wave 4 and Cartoon Collection Clawful